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  1. E


    So, recently i've been making a server with cool items. But, how would I do this with animations? I don't care what plugins I need, I just want to know some syntax for animations. (I use 1.20.6)
  2. F

    Moving hand without left or right clicking

    Hey everyone! This might sound a bit ridiculous but is there a way to move player's hand without them using mouse buttons? I only want the animation to be shown. Thanks in advance!
  3. K

    How to make animation with skript?

    Basically, I’m planning to add custom animations to my game. Which is gonna be blocks that are able to move like entities (NOT FALLING SAND BLOCKS AN ITEM ENTITY.) The question is how will I be able to do something like that, if you just want to make the script I’m planning for the animation to...
  4. S

    Check player's location and then play animation

    every tick: loop all players set {loc} to player's location if {loc} is 50026 13 50001: make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%" freeze player teleport player to 50026 27 50001 wait 0.5 second teleport player to 50026 24 50001 wait 0.5 second...
  5. B

    /clone in skript

    I'm trying to use the /clone command to make open-gate animations using skript. I have forceloaded the chunks that I need to clone. When I do the command in-game, it works perfectly fine, however, when I try to put it in skript, it gives an error. skript: console command "/clone 561 4 -815 566...
  6. E

    How can i make an animated Crate?

    Hello guys! I wanted to ask how i can make a animated crate? yk when you open it, it will go from right to left and the item in the mid wins the user when the animation stoped. Can someone pls help me?
  7. foxallo

    Armor Stand Animations

    Is there any possible way to create Armor Stand Animations using Skript or any of its addons? I'm looking for a Skript that can summon an invisible Armor Stand with an item or block on its head. Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks - Foxallo P.S If there is any way to make an Armor Stand...
  8. Wolwer

    NPC's teleporting

    Hi guys! I have an idea to create killaura npc, like in this video: (sorry for background music and bad cutting xd) (its a part of another guy's video. Link to original in desc) I think it can be created like this way: set {_start} to 500 blocks ahead of player set {_1} to 2 blocks at right...
  9. S

    Solved Java applet freezing

    Hello Guys, I have a web application with an applet. Applet is being used for opening of documents in the native viewer. Basically the applet connects to a servlet and downloads the byte array and stores the content in the user machine and then opens the same in the naative viewer (ex:, word...
  10. S

    Solved Applet Won't Execute

    Hello guys, I am teaching myself Java using one of the self-instruction books. In the Introductory chapter, there is a Hello World Applet. I have been able to get the code to compile - using Java Editor and the latest version of JDK 1.8. However when I try to write the simple HTML for running...