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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. MomoHD

    Hide player's tool

    Hello, is it possible to hide the player's tool without Mods and without to use the Player Visibility effect?
  2. MomoHD

    Solved 2 variables in 1 If query

    Hello, I have just written a large script where I ask once: 1. If you have my name 2. When a variable is true 3. When a variable is false Now I had to write the same for the True variable as I did for my name and the text is very large. Therefore I wanted to ask whether it is possible to...
  3. MomoHD

    Bungeecord Jump command

    Hello, i want to create a /Jump command with Skript. Can anyone help me?
  4. MomoHD

    Set more Health but still 10 hearts in the Health bar

    Hi, I'm currently writing a weapons script with Crackshot, the person I'm writing the script for would like a player to have 1000 hearts. But if I would do that via "set player's max health", the whole screen would be full of hearts. How can I set more hearts but leave only 10 in the health bar...
  5. MomoHD

    Suppress message

    Hello, I am currently doing an airdrop script and have a small problem. Every 2 hours I get the message: "The Airdrop has landed" and every hour before that I get the message: "The Airdrop will land in one hour". Now I have done it like this every 2 hours: broadcast "The Airdrop has...
  6. MomoHD

    Solved add (random number) apple to {chestitem::*}

    Hello, i need help. I would like to add a random number of apples. If I try {__gen} it won't work. I need your help! The item should be delivered to the {chestitem:} To be added. add (random number) apple to {chestitem::*}
  7. MomoHD

    Solved Gui is closing when new gui get open buy command execute

    Hello, I have the problem with my Gui script that when I open the gui as a player and click on what executes a command that executes a 2ts GUI. Just the Gui is closed. when he runs the second GUI over the commnand in the chat. Open it normally. Here the Code: command /menu: permission...
  8. MomoHD

    Minecraft ULX Admin Skript

    This script was programmed by me, and may not be uploaded anywhere, nor issued as its own. I wrote this script since I was bored, and I just love Garry's mod <3. This includes the Admin Mod ULX. Since she is still in the alpha there are a few updates. So stay active! :D I wish you so much...
  9. MomoHD

    Gui is closing on Pex Default Permission

    Hello, I currently have problems with a Gui script. If a player with the default rank of Pex (The permission I have created him the script I have assigned to the player) In Gui ürgendwo presses on it, then closes the Gui, but does not open a new one. On my 2 account where I have '*', the...
  10. MomoHD

    Solved Votekick Skript not working (stopvote command)

    Hi everybody, I'm so bored and that's why I decided to script the ULX Admin Mod (from the game Garry's Mod, and the makers Team Uselyss), I've finally arrived at the end. Unfortunately, the Stopvote Command does not work for me, it comes the message that the vote was stopped. The end message of...