The official skUnity Plugin

skUnity Official The official skUnity Plugin 1.2

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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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This update is a test. Please ignore it.

The official skUnity Plugin - 1.2
This update only contains a bug fix

Bug fix
  • Fixed a bug that would cause updated addons/plugins to go into the /plugins/Skript/scripts/ folder rather than /plugins/ - thanks to @HYPExMon5ter for reporting this
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Reactions: Ayham Alali

The official skUnity Plugin - 1.1
This update only contains bug fixes and general improvements for the plugin.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where an internal error would happen when using the skUnity Plugin with a config key in single quotes
  • Fixed a bug where strings in the config in single quotes would have the single quotes as part of their actual value

Changes & improvements
  • The config has changed so that the key is no longer in any quotes but will work with them
  • When getting a resource via the Skript syntax, skUnity will follow config options as to whether to start that resource and is in-line with how /sku get works.