Team Skript

Script Team Skript 0.9

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/team reload - Now it checks if the config exists
Rembember that /team reload doesn't do /skript reload Team
It reloads only Config.yml
/team setheadquarters - If you want set your team's headquarters
/team headquarters - If you want go to your team's headquarters
/team deleteheadquarters - If you want delete your team's headquarters
/teamadmin setheadquarters team - If you want set the headquarters of a specific team
/teamadmin headquarters team - If you want go to the headquarters of a specific team
/teamadmin deleteheadquarters - If you want delete a team's headquarters
Prefix for all skript's messages execept help commands

New options:

#teamheadquarters: set to "true" to enable players to use the "/team headquarters", "/team setheadquarters" or "/team deleteheadquarters" (Headquarters is a thing like /f home of Faction or /home of Essentials but it's for all the members of the Team) after the update is set by default to false
#teamprefix: Choose the prefix of the Team Skript