- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
Warning! You need to have the MinetopiaSDB plugin installed for this to work.
This addon adds various effects and events which will make your life easier when you are using the MinetopiaSDB plugin. To help you get on your way with this plugin i've inserted a few quick examples down below.
If you have any feature requests for more things to add to this addon please send me a direct message on the forums or on Discord.
This addon adds various effects and events which will make your life easier when you are using the MinetopiaSDB plugin. To help you get on your way with this plugin i've inserted a few quick examples down below.
command /stats:
send "&3Level: &b%the minetopiasdb level of player%"
send "&3Prefix: &b%the minetopiasdb prefix of player%"
send "&3LuckyShards: &b%luckyshards of player%"
send "&3GrayShards: &b%grayshards of player%"
send "&3GoldShards: &b%goldshards of player%"
send "&3GrayCoins: &b%graycoins of player%"
send "&3Playtime: &b%the minetopiasdb playtime of player%"
send "&3Fitness: &b%the minetopiasdb fitness of player%"
on minetopiasdb level change:
broadcast "%player%'s level has been changed to %event-number%"
on minetopiasdb emergency call:
broadcast "%player% has called 112: %event-string%"
on sdb atm open:
if player is not holding a lime dye:
cancel event
send "You need to be holding a credit card to use this ATM!"
If you have any feature requests for more things to add to this addon please send me a direct message on the forums or on Discord.