SkLevels - ✅ Manage custom levels ✅ Easy API

API SkLevels - ✅ Manage custom levels ✅ Easy API 1.3

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Fixed event [sklevels[api ] ]level[ ]up which returned the XP instead of the level.
Added two new functions!

* SkLevelsUsernameRanking(<level id>, <amount>):
This function returns a list with all players ranked from top to bottom.
Replace <amount> by the amount of players you want to return. For example, 10 will return the first ten players.

SkLevelsGetPlayerRanking(<player>, <level id>):
Returns the current ranking of a player.

Added events:

- on sklevelsapi xp add
Triggers when a player receives xp for a specific level
event-string = level id
event-integer = the xp given
event-player = you guessed it

- on sklevelsapi level up
Triggers when a player levels up
event-string = level id
event-integer = the level before the level up
event-player = you guessed it