- Supported Skript Version
- 2.8
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.20
Manage custom leveling systems easily !
Requires: Skript-yaml, Skript-reflect
What could be better than a way to centralize all your level systems? With SkLevels, use a very simple API to manage player levels. You can use this for jobs, class levels, and much more!
#Create your levels here. You can create an infinite amount of them!
#Min level set to default for all players
min-level: 1
#Max level
max-level: 100
#XP needed for level 1
base-max-xp: 100
#Multiplier that increases the maximum experience needed for each level
#For example, setting this value to 1.50 will increase the maximum xp by 50% at each level
max-xp-multiplier: 1.50
#Message for leveling up
#{level} = new level
#{past-level} = past level before leveling
- " "
- "&a&lLEVEL UP !"
- "&a&eGG ! You are now level &a{level}"
- " "
#Sound to player when a player levels up
sound: entity.player.levelup
pitch: 1.5
volume: 1
SkLevelsGetCurrentXP(player, leveltype)
Returns the current XP of a player's level
Example: SkLevelsGetCurrentXP(player, "rpg-level")
SkLevelsGetCurrentMaxXP(player, leveltype)
Returns the current Max XP of a player's level
SkLevelsGetCurrentLevel(player, leveltype)
Returns the current level of a player
SkLevelResetPlayer(player, leveltype)
Resets the XP and the level of a player
SkLevelsGiveXP(player, leveltype, amount)
Gives an amount of XP to a level type
SkLevelsProgressBar(player, leveltype, barstyle, baramount)
Returns a custom progress bar to show in a lore for example.
barstyle represents the 'style' of the bar. For example you can type -, ▅, █...
baramount is the length of the bar
SkLevelsUsernameRanking(leveltype, amount)
Returns a list with all players ranked from top to bottom.
Replace 'amount' by the amount of usernames you want to return.
For example, 10 will return the first 10 players.
SkLevelsGetPlayerRanking(player, leveltype)
Returns the current ranking of a player.
- on sklevelsapi xp add
> When a player gets xp
> Values:
> event-string = Represents the ID of the level
> event-integer = The given xp
> event-player = Do I need to explain it?
- on sklevelsapi level up
> When a player levels up
> Values:
> event-string = Represents the ID of the level
> event-integer = The level before it levels up
> event-player = Do I need to explain it?