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Script iEssentials Pre-Alpha 3.1.2

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This update is as unexpected as the last. There are comments for options in the config which is very glitchy from the tests. These have been removed.
- Removed comments that are still there
I didn't plan this update coming so that's why it's coming out of the middle of no where. It fixes a important glitch where the spawn-on-join and spawn-on-death configuration options don't work.

- Fixed the glitches where spawn-on-death and spawn-on-join configuration options don't work
Last update, I learned how to use YAML with the skript-yaml addon and I made an update. This update is where I add some configuration options to the skript-yaml addon. Here are the changes:

- You may no longer customize the teleportation-message with YAML (Removed to due bugs)
- Added the nickname-prefix option to configuration
- Added the god-on-disconnect option to configuration
- Added the spawn-on-death option to configuration
- Added the spawn-on-join option to configuration
- Added the ops-name-color option to configuration
- Added the gamemode-on-join option to configuration
- Added the attack-join-delay option to configuration
- Added the sudo-disabled option to configuration
- Added the commandspy-disabled option to configuration
- Added the /nickname alias to /nick
- You can now unban a player's name with unban ips
- You can now ban a player's ip with ban ips
- Fixed the /skull message
- Made a small change to the /iEssentials message
Finally, it's here! The configuration update. However, it's not just configuration. It's bug fixes, too! Be prepared for this update.
If you use this update know it may cause some bugs. Please report those on the issue tracker. Using this on a public server causes some risk, that you must know.
- We now have a automatically generating configuration yaml file! Remember you must now use the skript-yaml addon. It generates in the file path "plugins/iEssentials/config.yml". It first makes the folder, then the file in the folder.
- You can now edit the currency symbol in the configuration, now there IS a currency symbol actually.
- A spawn glitch is fixed where /setspawn doesn't set a spawn.
- A list glitch is fixed where it is like this:
Online Players (3): CormanYT, CormanYT, CormanYT

And now it is like this:

Online Players (3): CormanYT, NecroShadow, BraedenMC
- A vanish glitch was fixed
- We had to remove the permission message option because it wouldn't work, it would've delayed this update too much. There is now a default permission message that is not editable.
- The a** in the blocked words was changed to a**hole because the a word is in words like "class" or "classed" or "pass".
- Fixed the /delwarp permission node.
- Made a small change to the /ignore message.
- Made a small change to the no spawn message.
Hey guys! This update is mainly for bug fixes but it also adds a few new features, check them out!
Changed Default Teleportation Message
Changed the Color Code of the No Spawn Messages
/block-word is now /word block, /block-word list is now /word blocked, and /unblock-word is now /word unblock.
Bug Fixes
/tpall now only gives you one message of "You have teleported everyone to yourself!", not multiple.
/heal message now matches the rest of the script. Heal now restores the player's hunger aswell!
Fixed messages for using these commands on other players: /heal, /feed, /vanish, /gamemode
New Features
/warp has had a lot of changes this update! Here they are:
- Per Warp Permissions Changed from iEssentials.warp.<warp name> to iEssentials.warps.<warp name>.
- You can now warp other players! /warp <warp name> [player]. This uses the permission iEssentials.warp.others
- Remember everyone needs the permission iEssentials.warp
You can now clear another player's inventory with /clear [player]!
Sorry guys for the late update. Took me a while to get some good ideas down and ready but here we go!
New Features
New Command: /ignore <player>
New Command: /nick <nickname>
New Commands: /day, /night, /sun, /rain, /thunder
New Command: /list
Removed Command: /reply <message>
Removed Sub-Command: /iEssentials help <page>
Extensions to Current Commands
/broadcast Extension: Broadcast Color Codes (iEssentials.broadcast.color)
/msg Extension: Msg Color Codes (iEssentials.msg.color)
/mail send Extension: Mail Color Codes (iEssentials.mail.color)
Chat Extension: Chat Color Codes (
/msg Extension: Changed Msg Format to the Same as Essentials
This is the final Pre-Alpha 2.0 version. This wasn't a very big update but it added features that most competitors don't have.

The permission node for /warps (iEssentials.warps) now works.
New Features
/mailtoggle can make it so people can't send you mail.
/commandspy allows you to see commands other people do. (It's like socialspy but for all commands, not just socialspy commands)
This is by far, the biggest update. I don't know all that but here is the summary
Removed the {thing}-enabled
Changed permissions to be one main prefix
Cleaned up lots of code
Added Github Page
This is probably the largest update ever made for iEssentials, and I thank everyone who has downloaded this. If you want to help get another version out I recommend telling me bugs in the discussion. Anyway, lets get on with this new update!

New Features
/mail send <username> <message>
/mail read
/mail clear
/sudo <username> <command>
/banip <username>
/unbanip <IP>
/feed [player]
/god [player] (Now with [player])
New Configuration Lines
Welcome Message (Not Tested)
New Players start with a default balance of 0, this makes it so it won't say <none>
Hey guys, it's Corman here. I've made another update. Keep in mind this update is a Pre-Release or Snapshot, so I don't recommend using it unless you are on a test server. If you're kind enough consider finding some glitches for me to patch.

New Features

UUID Support
/gamemode <type> now has permissions for each gamemode
/gms - Alias for /gamemode survival
/gmc - Alias for /gamemode creative
/gma - Alias for /gamemode adventure
/gmsp - Alias for /gamemode spectator
You cannot /pay players negative money, or no money.

EDIT: I forgot to include we added /mutechat!