I'd like to point out a couple things that could be edited or changed with this skript.
Number 1: Your usage of an "on any move" event. This event requires SkQuery, and this event is called when ANY movement happens in your world. Every entity in your server calls this event every single time its position, yaw, or pitch changes. Depending on your type of server, this could be called more than an "every 1 tick" event. Because of this, I suggest changing to an "on player move" event. It can still get laggy but for smaller servers it will be a lot better.
Number 2: Your usage of console commands to give and clear effects. Instead of making console execute effect commands, while this works, skript has built in expressions for this type of thing.
apply infinite potion of blindness of tier 255 without particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player
remove blindness from player