- Contributors
- Mr.Ragtime, KiwifruitDev
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.19
Chaos Mode is a script for Skript that adds random and nonsensical events into the game across a period of time.
Notes:- Chaos Mode may teleport the player at times, set these locations within the *.sk file's configuration.
- FunkySK and NoteBlockAPI are not required. View the *.sk file in a code editor to see configuration, as support for these plugins can be toggled on.
- The rest of the tested plugins may not be required, they are simply what were on the server when developing Chaos Mode.
- BoringSK
- FastAsyncWorldEdit-Bukkit-2.4.5-SNAPSHOT-276
- LibsDisguises-10.0.31-Free
- SkBee-2.2.0
- skream-2.1
- TreeFeller-1.20.0
- floodgate-spigot
- skript-json-1.1.1
- BulkMiner-1.0.3
- FunkySk-1.0.2
- LuckPerms-Bukkit-5.4.41
- SkJade
- NoteBlockAPI-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT
- SkQuery-4.1.6
- mcMMO
- skript-reflect
- Citizens-2.0.30-b2679
- Geyser-Spigot
- ViaVersion-4.4.2
- reqn-1.2.3
- Skellett-Legacy-2.0.7
- spark-1.9.36-bukkit
- Diskuise
- GeyserUpdater-1.6.2
- ProtocolLib
- WebSKT-1.0-BETA.2
- Skript
- skRayFall+v1.9.28
- /chaosmanual <integer>
- Set the next Chaos event, if the argument is out of range then the next event is random.
- /chaospotion [<integer>]
- Give yourself a Chaos potion to force an effect to occur, even without Chaos mode enabled.
- /chaos
- Toggle Chaos Mode.
- /chaostimer
- Override the Chaos timer.
- skript.chaos
- Used for all of the above commands.