
Script Cellblock 2.0.0-pre3

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Cellblock 2 - pre-release 3
Bug fixes

  • Rent prices are now taken from the balance of the user. They originally were using the buy price variable which caused users to be able to rent a cell for free
  • Extend prices are now taken from the balance of the user. Using the same buy variables as buying, they now use the rent prices.
  • Sign updates should be more reliable for extending rent times.

Cellblock 2.0.0 pre-release 2 (Release: 24072020)
  • Rent extensions can now be done by clicking on a Cell sign, using the /cb rent command or the new /cb extend command. Rent extensions use the flags system so staff in override mode, users with admin flags, users with the rent flag or the renter themselves can extend rent times.
  • Deleting cells now exists. Cellblock 2 had no way of removing a cell once it had been created. /cb delete [cell] [reset=false] will handle this.
  • Cell Deletion event is fired when a cell is deleted. It's fired before any data is deleted and can stop data deletion, but cannot stop reset if that's set to true via the command. This might change in future updates to the reset being part of Cellblock_Cells_Delete_Cell function.
  • New options have been added. Deleted-1/4 for updating the signs of cells when they've been deleted or you can use RemoveSignsOnDelete to have the signs be set to air.
  • Some messages were slightly altered to be worded better and have a clearer meaning

First pre-release of Cellblock 2
Cellblock 2 is completely rewritten and includes a huge overhaul of the Cellblock system. When first created, Cellblock wasn't made to handle large amounts of cells and player activity. Under certain circumstances, it was unable to keep up with demand and caused issues. There were oversights in Cellblock 1's protection system and command patterns.

With Cellblock 2, those are fixed. Cellblock 2 utilities a different way of handling cell data; by not saving it to Skript. The problem with Skript's variable system is that Skript wants to save variables to the .csv file. Cellblock 2 will process data when it's loaded up. Storing only the 2 locations of a Cell and then getting all the block locations when it's loaded. Cellblock 2 also features different ways to save Cell reset data. Reset data is used by Cellblock to restore a Cell to how it first looked after a user has finished renting a Cell (new options discussed below). Both reset data and block locations are not stored by Skript at any point. Cellblock 2 will attempt to modify the config.sk to exclude Cellblock from having the "celldata" variables saved and will delete them on startup and shut down to prevent any saving. This is what caused the long delays in booting up Cellblock.

A downfall of Cellblock 1 was its reliance on console commands to process and perform actions. This caused confusion and difficulty with extending Cellblock with CellAddons and created server lag as console commands have a big overhead when being performed. Cellblock 2 features a wide array of functions to run with improved performance and an easy to use API setup.

The best part, Cellblock 2 is included to everyone who has already bought Cellblock!

Here's a breakdown of Cellblock 2:
  • Completely rewritten
    • Cellblock 2 was written from the ground up with the experience of Cellblock 1
    • Huge redesigns and improvements to Cellblock 1
  • Customisability increased
    • New options allow you more control over how Cellblock saves data, the appearance of signs, what right/left clicking a does, how Cellblock saves data and more
  • Redesigned API interface
    • Easier to understand and connect too, the Cellblock API gives a great amount of control without confusing command setups.
    • The use of functions allows for data to be passed between Cellblock and CellAddons and utilise Cellblock helpers
    • Extendable command API allows for easy command registration for the main Cellblock command
  • Performance benefits
    • By not saving a lot of data, Cellblock has increased load times. Skript struggles with big amounts of variables, Cellblock doesn't save what isn't needed and off-loads as much as it can from Skript
    • Functions perform much better than console commands and it's shown across Cellblock 2.
  • Better Cell protection
    • Cells originally were able to blown up, set on fire, have pistons move blocks and other unforeseen player interacts. Cellblock 2 has an improved protection system that protects the original blocks of the cell from the owner and other players.
  • Renting and Buying cells
    • Originally, to be able to buy a Cell, you needed the free CellAddon BetterCells. The problem was that BetterCells wasn't able to fully handle everything cell-related and wasn't fully fleshed out. Players are now able to buy cells from the server, sell them back or sell them to other players. Players are then able to rent the cells from those players.
  • Improved flag system
    • Provides a better way to access flags, manage flags and view flags.
    • Flags have stronger controls over cells
  • Multiple Cell signs
    • You can now have multiple signs for a Cell instead of just one. Cellblock will update them all automatically whenever anything changes for a Cell
  • Bug fixes
    • As Cellblock grew, features were not put in properly. They were often made to just work with what was there and lacked in good design. Every part of Cellblock 2 has had a performance and data-efficient model in mind.

While Cellblock 2 is in a pretty stable and near-complete stage for a pre-release, it still does have some issues. Please carefully read below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact me.
  • Upgrading
    • Cellblock 2 does not support any data from Cellblock 1.x. There is no upgrade/converter for Cellblock 1.x to Cellblock 2.x. A converter tool is coming. This release of Cellblock 2 is to show the work being done and for users who are starting fresh servers.
  • CellAddons
    • There is no backwards compatibility for CellAddons designed for Cellblock 1.x to work with Cellblock 2. If I have created you a CellAddon, please contact me to have a new version made in Cellblock 2. Costs might be applied.
    • A tool is being made to port CellAddons to the new API and/or to support them with Cellblock 2's API by pretending to be Cellblock 1.
  • Bugs warning
    • Cellblock is over 5 years old and has been tested rigorously by myself and by the buyers of the resource. Bugs might exist in Cellblock 2.0.0-pre1 and other pre-releases. Cellblock 2.0.0-pre1 can be used in a production environment but does there is that risk.
  • Missing features
    • There are some commands that are missing from Cellblock such as setting the time/price of a Cell after its creation and other commands which are currently in development.

If you have any suggestions for Cellblock 2 please do say! This is a great opportunity for new features to be to Cellblock. Cellblock is in an easily extendable stage of development where adding new features can be fit in easily without having to work around existing systems.

Many thanks,


Cellblock 1.8.2
General Update
  • LATEST VERSION SUPPORT! Cellblock 1.8.2 will run on Spigot/Paper 1.14.4 using Skript 2.4-beta5. Cellblock 1.8.2 will also support lower versions as well.
Bug fixes
  • CELLBLOCK WARNINGS! All warnings produced by Skript when loading Cellblock.sk have been fixed
  • CELLBLOCK ERRORS! Errors for Cellblock have been fixed
  • VARIABLE TYPOS! There were some typos in variables used across Cellblock. These have been fixed.
  • BETTERCELLS WARNINGS! Using newer versions of Skript produced warnings from BetterCells.sk. These warnings are now fixed

Cellblock 2 Progress
  • Cellblock 2 will be completely different in how it is setup and run on a very unique setup. This will allow Cellblock 2 to be more powerful that Cellblock 1 in terms of what is offered by Cellblock, the performance impact Cellblock has on the server and the extension of the Cellblock API
  • Due to the size of Cellblock 1, rewriting and converting it to the new Cellblock 2 setup is taking some time. There is also the time taken with writing the new Cellblock Core which is what will run everything in Cellblock
  • I am actively maintaining multiple projects aside from Cellblock and haven't been able to dedicate my full time to it. I do aim to be dedicating more time to Cellblock by the end of the year.

Thanks to everyone for purchasing Cellblock. This update came from user reports which I wouldn't of known about otherwise. Please inform me of any issues you have when using Cellblock.

Thanks again,
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Cellblock 1.8.1

Please complete the Cellblock Feedback Survey:
I will review every single response.

New features
  • CELL RESET EVENT! A new event has been created which listens for when a cell is reset. It is available only before the event is triggered and can be cancelled.
  • AUTO-TORCH! When a cell is created, Cellblock will attempt to place 2 torches into the cell. This means every cell will have some light and gives the player 2 basic light sources.
Bug fixes
  • NO COMMAND RESULT! Some commands didn't say anything if it was failed/missing arguments. Hopefully, they should all say the intended result or a failed message
  • DEBUG CODE! Removed some debug code that would broadcast messages
  • INVENTORY CLEARING! When a cell is reset and cleared by Cellblock, items in things like chests, furnaces and other blocks that have an inventory, would drop all their items. Cellblock clears them before setting them to air
Planned updates
  • REWRITE! I will eventually be doing a rewrite of Cellblock. This version will be Cellblock 2. However, Cellblock is over 2,000 lines long, contains advanced features and my time is limited. Please complete the survey above as it'll provide me with essential feedback.

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Cellblock 1.8
Bug fixes
  • API IMPROVEMENTS! After creating BetterCells, I found multiple issues within the CellblockAPI which can cause incorrect handling of API data resulting in endpoints failing to run
  • MISC FIXES! After reviewing parts of Cellblocks core code, I found some minor bugs which have been patched to keep Cellblock running smoothly.

  • BETTERCELLS! Another free addon for Cellblock that extends the features of the cells themselves. Currently in a BETA stage, BetterCells lets your users buy their cells
  • COMPLETELY FREE! All current and new buyers of Cellblock get not only BetterCells but Cell Directory and DefaultCellProtection for free!
  • MORE TO COME! BetterCells will gradually provide features that extend from Cellblock. BetterCells exists to prevent Cellblock becoming clogged with features that take away from the core prison cell focus of just renting
  • CELL DIRECTORY SUPPORT! Cell Directory supports BetterCells buying feature and will change the sign to show that a cell is owned which overwrites line 3 and 4.

Cellblock 1.7
  • 1.12+! Added support for Minecraft/Skript 1.12+
  • MORE VERSION SUPPORT! Cellblock now utilises the fork of skQuery by LimeGlass
  • Some official comments have been changed to have updated links and branding uses
New features
  • HOME CELLS! Players can now set their Home Cells via /cb home [set|info] [cell] - this is enabled by default but can be turned off via the options setting: @AllowHomeCells
  • DEFAULTCELLPROTECTION! Another free addon included with Cellblock, more information below!
Bug fixes
  • SIGNS! Cell signs no longer get removed when the cell resets

  • DEFAULTCELLPROTECTION! A buyer of Cellblock needed a way to prevent his users from buying a cell and destroying it but found it difficult to make cells just the inside of the cell. DefaultCellProtection shows off the power of the CellblockAPI and protects the blocks a cell. You'll need Cellblock 1.7 or above to run DefaultCellProtection
  • COMPLETELY FREE! Just like Cell Directory - DefaultCellProtection is completely free
  • DRAG&DROP! Designed to just work, DefaultCellProtection works straight away, no configuring, setting up or commands to run. DefaultCellProtection integrates itself with Cellblock perfectly.