BasicExpressions -Turns Expressions Into Emoticons

Script BasicExpressions -Turns Expressions Into Emoticons V9.2

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I added new permissions to the actual emojis in chat with permission messages. Although I did not test it yet because my server is down so please keep in mind there could be errors with it, if so notify me please.
I added permission messages and I added some color to the hover messages:

Ok so kimoVoid and I decided to change the art of this plugin. ElDub & I have created some new commands such as, "/createexpression", "/deleteexpression" & "/serverexpressions" basically you can create your own server's expressions easily in game! Not even through the skript file or any configuration file. This does mean that the expressions commands can be used by any player, so it means it is not by per player support, it is global support such as the whole server emojis/expressions. Thank you SaMaGamers for the suggestion to add creating expressions.

Reminder: This is a somewhat beta stage of this version, please notify me of any bugs or errors.



  • upload_2018-10-19_12-12-16.png
    385 bytes · Views: 274