Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11]

Script Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11] 1.2

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Sorry for the last update! i didn't make good tests.
But anyway i figured out that there is a problem with WildSkript addon (it's outdated addon but it's a good one) that it can't remove folders that have files inside!
That's why i've removed the new command "/serverlog" because it's useless now.

- Update Msg
- Command "/serverlog"

<> End of this update <>
This image will tell you everything :emoji_slight_smile:
Don't forget to leave a review :emoji_grinning:

Buy me a coffee :emoji_slight_smile:

Download New Requirements:
- TuSKe:
- *This is from the old requirements :emoji_slight_smile: SkRayFall:
- Votifier:
Have a nice day bros.
Sorry i forgot to edit the UpdateChecker messages.
This is not a feature update its just about fixing the UpdateChecker :emoji_slight_smile:
Have a nice day.