Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11]

Script Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11] 1.2

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Ayham Alali

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Dev Programme
Ayham Alali submitted a new resource:

Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11] - You are outside and want to check your server log? here is the best plugin for you

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  • Advanced Server Log: is a Custom Skript made by Ayham Alali for...

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Any server with over 10 players with this on will run out of available space extremely quickly. Would be better to use a MySQL database, not indivual player files and folders.
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Beautiful thread :emoji_heart_eyes:
Thank yooooou:emoji_heart_eyes:
Any server with over 10 players with this on will run out of available space extremely quickly. Would be better to use a MySQL database, not indivual player files and folders.
I think you are right, i will try to use a MySQL database.. just need to take a loot at the syntax and how to use it perfect :emoji_slight_smile:
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Ayham Alali updated Advanced Server Log [Custom] [Chat, Commands, chest, ...] [UUID support] [1.7 - 1.11] with a new update entry:

v1.2 » Command Remove & Fixes

Sorry for the last update! i didn't make good tests.
But anyway i figured out that there is a problem with WildSkript addon (it's outdated addon but it's a good one) that it can't remove folders that have files inside!
That's why i've removed the new command "/serverlog" because it's useless now.

- Update Msg
- Command...

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"Add ban event (not possible atm)"?

It's easy lol just use the command event and check if it's /ban, /banip etc..
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"Add ban event (not possible atm)"?

It's easy lol just use the command event and check if it's /ban, /banip etc..
I know it's easy, but i want it to be a system not an event depending on a command because some servers have unique ban command which is not hard to code but it will be kinda long way to configure this idea in skript.
But, if users really need the ban event i can do it :emoji_slight_smile:
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