[1.8 - 1.11] QuarSk, hopefully no quirks ! Update 1.2.1 : Massive recode + new event !

Addon [1.8 - 1.11] QuarSk, hopefully no quirks ! Update 1.2.1 : Massive recode + new event ! 1.3.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11

QuarSk is an addon adding stuff concerning potions, banners and some dank random stuff too.

Here are a few important links :

Releases | Source code | Wiki/Documentation

Current version info :

1.3.1 is the proof that you always release a hotfix after saying that you released the final one.

Credits :
  • Thanks to pretty much every addon dev, I'm too lazy to make a detailed list.
This wouldn't have been possible without you guys. Thank you yet again.

Good game !
  • Like
Reactions: Goetheus
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

More resources from Syst3ms

Latest updates

  1. 1.3.1 : You're never done hotfixing

    Disabling Skript version checking because it sometimes led to QuarSK never activating.
  2. 1.3 Release

    This last hotfix fixed a bug with the Skript version checker, making QuarSK never load.
  3. Hotfixes

    Fixed some bugs that prevented QuarSK from loading and improved documentation. This is why I...

Latest reviews

Very active develooper with awesome skript addon .
Awesome addon. Active developer.
Fixed bug in short time!
Big up to developer :)
Thanks ! ;-D
Very nice! works fine and it's now one of my favourite addons! keep it up
Thanks a lot !