Play Beacon Sound

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Feb 8, 2022
I need help making it so when you right click it shoots an aqua colored laser of redstone particles where your curser is, then if it hits an entity or player it damages the entity/player
Hey! You could do this by looping 50-ish times, setting a variable to 0.3*loop-value blocks forwards, then playing a particle there using SkBee or some other addon that supports it. As for damaging, I believe you can just "make %entity% attack %entity" in Skript 2.6.1. Without that, you can still "damage %entity% by %number%", for all entities within a radius of that particle. Hope this helps.
Hey! You could do this by looping 50-ish times, setting a variable to 0.3*loop-value blocks forwards, then playing a particle there using SkBee or some other addon that supports it. As for damaging, I believe you can just "make %entity% attack %entity" in Skript 2.6.1. Without that, you can still "damage %entity% by %number%", for all entities within a radius of that particle. Hope this helps.

umm but he will be confused because u didnt give him an example
I need help making it so when you right click it shoots an aqua colored laser of redstone particles where your curser is, then if it hits an entity or player it damages the entity/player

do u have skdragon?
If it’s a plugin or download then no
umm but he will be confused because u didnt give him an example

do u have skdragon?
whats your discord again? I made a new account
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