Skript value going into minus

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New Member
Mar 8, 2019
Hey! Im really bad at explaining but its supposed to when i mine it just adds 1 experience and when i mine it just works and updates the xp but when i go after 127 it goes into minus (-127) and then counting like -126 -125 -124 and this keeps happening. Can someone help? Heres my full code:

function setItemTag(item: item, tag: string, value: object) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    set tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt} to {_value}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}

function getItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: object:
    set {_tag} to tag "custom;%{_tag}%" of nbt of {_item}
    return {_tag}

function removeItemTag(item: item, tag: string) :: item:
    set {_nbt} to nbt compound of {_item}
    delete tag "tag;custom;%{_tag}%" of {_nbt}
    return item from nbt {_nbt}

on break:
    if event-block is stone:
        if player is holding a diamond pickaxe:
            set {_level} to getItemTag(player's tool, "level")
            set {_xp} to getItemTag(player's tool, "xp")
            set {_xpneeded} to getItemTag(player's tool, "xpneeded")
            if {_xp} is less than {_xpneeded}:
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "xp", {_xp}+1)
                set {_xp} to getItemTag(player's tool, "xp")
                set 2st line of player's held item's lore to "&aExperience: &2%{_xp}%&a/&2%{_xpneeded}%"
            if {_xp} is {_xpneeded}:
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "xp", 0)
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "xpneeded", {_xpneeded}*1.25)
                set player's tool to setItemTag(player's tool, "level", {_level}+1)
                set {_level} to getItemTag(player's tool, "level")
                set {_xp} to getItemTag(player's tool, "xp")
                set {_xpneeded} to getItemTag(player's tool, "xpneeded")
                set 1st line of player's held item's lore to "&9Level: &b%{_level}%"
                set 2st line of player's held item's lore to "&aExperience: &2%{_xp}%&a/&2%{_xpneeded}%"
                message "&aYou leveled up! (%{_level}%&a)"
[doublepost=1625674486,1625598718][/doublepost]Hello? Anyone? If its not clear please tell me.
[doublepost=1626016973][/doublepost]Okay very helpfull..............
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Please post your code in a code block
Yes you have, but for your future topics, please do not spam your topic with comments like "Hello? Anyone? If its not clear please tell me." or "Okay very helpfull..............". If someone is going to help you, they will do so without these comments.
[doublepost=1626287599,1626284776][/doublepost]I could recreate your problem, but I was unable to solve it - sorry! But I provided the basic workaround, you just have to customize and copy & paste it.
on break of stone:
    if tool of player is a diamond pickaxe:
        set {_lore} to uncolored "%2st line of player's held item's lore%"
        replace all "Experience: " with "" in {_lore}
        set {_lore::*} to split {_lore} at "/"
        set {_xp} to {_lore::1} parsed as an integer
        set 2st line of player's held item's lore to "&aExperience: &2%{_xp}+1%&a/&2--"
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