How to differentiate 2 teams?

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Mar 29, 2020
Hi! I'm creating a server with two teams, but when a player from one team looks at a player from another team, they don't recognize if they are friend or foe. My question is .. is there any way to differentiate 2 teams? eg: change the color of the name (I tried but couldn't)
give them some particle effect (not sure if this works)
add a prefix to there name such as [&1B] and [&cR]
giving them some sort of red colored armor.
thats really what I can think of off the top of my head :emoji_slight_smile:
give them some particle effect (not sure if this works)
add a prefix to there name such as [&1B] and [&cR]
giving them some sort of red colored armor.
thats really what I can think of off the top of my head :emoji_slight_smile:

Armor colors not because the armor is going to have to get themselves. I thought about the particles, but it doesn't work, I tried and I couldn't. Do you know any Skript code to make it work?
Armor colors not because the armor is going to have to get themselves. I thought about the particles, but it doesn't work, I tried and I couldn't. Do you know any Skript code to make it work?
I can try :emoji_slight_smile:)
command /team:
        wait 1 tick
        open chest with 3 rows named "Team Color" to player
        format slot 10 of player with red wool named "Red Team" to close then run [make console execute command "/luckperms user %player% group set red"]
        format slot 16 of player with blue wool named "Blue Team" to close then run [make console execute command "/luckperms user %player% group set blue"]

Heres the code, I gave it a gui for ease of access how ever it does uses Luckperms for suffix :emoji_slight_smile:
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