Official The docs are back + info on docs 2.0, and NodeBB forums!

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I'm Poppy
Staff member
skUnity Legend
Nov 27, 2016
Discord Username
Hi everyone,

The docs are back
I'm very happy to announce that the official skUnity documentation is back online! Wrong has managed to get the server back online and is now working. The forums will be staying with me for now as it'll save the hassle of moving them again and potentially causing issues.

Info on docs 2.0
Wrong has been working hard on getting the next version of skUnity docs out and they'll be here soon. I'm going to be helping out with some stuff to get them up and running quicker plus adding features which he is unable to do for whatever reason.
We'll be doing some changes to how the domain is working. The new setup will be rolled out with docs 2.0, but will be like this: -> a portal page which has links to forums and docs - a front page of skUnity (likely to have news and some stuff too). -> this will take you to here, the forums. -> once docs 2.0 launches, they'll be accessiable via This allows us to greater control of the domain as each section is sub-domained.

NodeBB forums
Now that the NodeBB forums are backup, we'll be moving back! Joking! Anyway! They'll be backup soon and (hopefully) accessible via The time that they'll be up is currently uncertain. It's likely it will about a week to a fortnight at best. This is because they're slightly unstable and waste resources on the skUnity server for other secret projects we have coming up :emoji_wink:. But don't worry! We'll be giving plenty of notice when they're going up, down and might even get a data export out for people to use.

Thanks to everyone who's being bearing with us through this troubling time. I know it's not easy to see your data just disappear and then be told to make it again.

Thanks again,
Although I was never an "Active" user I was a leach, lerking in the background seeing whats up.. And I have to admit a bit sceptical at first but I think this is a welcome change to the community and you guys have done a wonderful job!

Heres to years of helpful advise and service from you guys!
Although I was never an "Active" user I was a leach, lerking in the background seeing whats up.. And I have to admit a bit sceptical at first but I think this is a welcome change to the community and you guys have done a wonderful job!

Heres to years of helpful advise and service from you guys!
Thanks! Your kind words are appreciated. We were worried about how the whole thing would go and I was going to phase in the idea of it. But once the skUnity server wouldn't start up, it just had to be done.