Trouble executing minecraft commands through execute console command

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Jan 15, 2020
Skript version: 2.5
Author: Bensku

on right click with end rod:
    set {item} to player's held item
    if {item}'s name is "&9Dragon&d+&5+&e+ &9Wand":
        execute console command "execute at %player% run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Magic",NoGravity:1b,Particle:dragonbreath,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-.01f,RadiusOnUse:0.1f,Duration:100,DurationOnUse:10f,Age:0,WaitTime:0,Color:15360511,Potion:"minecraft:harming"}"

Error message:
Can't understand this condition/effect: execute console command "execute at %player% run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Magic",NoGravity:1b,Particle:dragonbreath,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-.01f,RadiusOnUse:0.1f,Duration:100,DurationOnUse:10f,Age:0,WaitTime:0,Color:15360511,Potion:"minecraft:harming"}"

I have skQuery, skRayfall, and Skellet

I may be blind, but the docs don't seem to have anything about it
I've tried googling it and nothing seems to come up about this specific issue either
I've tried re-wording the skript to hopefully make it work, but I know I'm using the right wording
No, it doesn't work. The error message is the same as before. I don't think it's because of the "execute console command"
the error is
Can't understand this condition/effect: make console execute "execute at %player% run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Magic",NoGravity:1b,Particle:dragonbreath,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-.01f,RadiusOnUse:0.1f,Duration:100,DurationOnUse:10f,Age:0,WaitTime:0,Color:15360511,Potion:"minecraft:harming"}"
make console execute "execute at %player% run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:""Magic"",NoGravity:1b,Particle:dragonbreath,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-.01f,RadiusOnUse:0.1f,Duration:100,DurationOnUse:10f,Age:0,WaitTime:0,Color:15360511,Potion:""minecraft:harming""}"