if {mana::%player's uuid%} is more than {@1}-1:

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What the fuck is @1
What the fuck is with your attitude? You keep acting like you are some hot shit on these forums, yet no one knows who the heck you are, and you write terrible Skript code. Stop acting like you are the shit when you are no one.
If you KNEW proper Skript, you would know that `{@1}` is called an OPTION, DUH!


if {mana::%player's uuid%} is more than {@1}-1:
It's not working and there are 0 errors.
I recommend putting more code, example, what is your option set to?
Also explain a bit more, what's not working? what are you expecting to work?
Based on that tiny bit of code I really have no clue what isn't working, you could try wrap the math in parenthesis, ex:
if {mana::%player's uuid%} is more than ({@1} - 1):

Im not really sure what other advice to give you here, since you provided a very small piece of your code with next to no explanation as to whats going on here.
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