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you need to explain what doesn’t work at first glance it doesn’t look like you ever spawn a falling block you just set the locations
sorry, the problem is that i tried to spawn gravel, it worked but then i have no idea how to change the block once it hits the ground.

So, i set locations, but i need help with how i should spawn a falling block at the locations but then after that how to replace the block to a chest with items from {item-list::*} once it hits the ground
You can do:
function fallingChest(location: location, items: items, falltype: itemtype = beacon):
  spawn "falling %{_falltype}%" parsed as an entity type at {_location}
  set {_block} to last spawned entity
  while {_block}.isOnGround() is false:
    wait 1 tick
  set block at location of {_block} to chest
  wait 1 tick
  set inventory of block at location of {_block} to {item-list::*}
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You can do:
function fallingChest(location: location, items: items, falltype: itemtype = beacon):
  spawn "falling %{_falltype}%" parsed as an entity type at {_location}
  set {_block} to last spawned entity
  while {_block}.isOnGround() is false:
    wait 1 tick
  set block at location of {_block} to chest
  wait 1 tick
  set inventory of block at location of {_block} to {item-list::*}
#This get's all the blocks around a player and then checks if one of them is a beacon
        loop blocks in radius 4 of player:
            if loop-block is beacon:
#And then it set's that loop-block beacon to a chest
                set loop-block to chest
Thank you, I do tho get 2 errors
Error 1:
"Can't understand this condition/effect: {_block}.setDropItem(false);"

Error 2:
"Can't compare '{_block}.isOnGround() with a boolean', line 31: while {_block}.isOnGround() is false:"

How do i fix these?
Check your server log, maybe skript-mirror gives you an error on loading and you don't see it

EDIT: I found an error on my previous code and I edited it. But that error isn't related with your ones
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i have it already in my skyblock skript that i public here.

so the code its:

function fallingchest(p: player, i: text):
        set {_x} to random number between -10000 and 10000
        set {_z} to random number between -10000 and 10000
        set {_loc} to location at ({_x} parsed as number), 250, ({_z} parsed as number)-1 in world "world"
        set block at {_loc} to chest
        set {_true} to true
        while {_true}:
            set block at {_loc} to air
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_loc}
            set block at {_loc} to chest
            set {_loc1} to {_loc}
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_loc1}
            if block at {_loc1} is not air:
                delete {_true}
            wait a ticks
        set {_I::*} to {_i} split at " "
        loop {_i::*}:
            if "%loop-value%" contains "of":
                set {_a::*} to loop-value split at "_"
                set {_i} to {_a::3} parsed as item
                set {_a} to {_a::1} parsed as number
                add {_a} of {_i} to block at {_loc}
                set {_i} to loop-value parsed as item
                add {_i} to block at {_loc}

So, i edit a bit for you.
and now you have doing create commands like
command /spawn:
        fallingchest("10_of_Stone 3_of_Diamond_Sword")

fallingchest(player, "<block> <block> ..."
  1. if you want more than one piece of block than use
  2. fallingchest( "<number>_of_<block> <number>_of_>block>"
  3. if only one item, than use
  4. fallingchest("<block> <block>"
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