Solved Create region error

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2017
Hey there. Im trying to make a King of The Hill Script, but...

I have a problem... When im reloading my script there is no errors, but... When im executing my command that is supossed to make a world guard region it gives me an error.. "An internal error has ocurred while attempting to perform this command" Im gonna post the console error under here, and also some of the code. (I have PirateSK) - Sorry for bad english and im really tired.

07.08 02:10:01 [Server] INFO TigerPvPzzz [b3014bf6-9aa5-4c63-84ae-6ce9bfb5f291]: /koth accept 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you're developing an add-on for Skript this likely means that you have done something wrong. 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you're a server admin however please go to 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! and check whether this error has already been reported. 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! If not please create a new ticket with a meaningful title, copy & paste this whole error into it, 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! and describe what you did before it happened and/or what you think caused the error. 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you think that it's a trigger that's causing the error please post the trigger as well. 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! By following this guide fixing the error should be easy and done fast. 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! Stack trace: 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid region ID: <none> 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at<init>( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at<init>( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at<init>( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at me.sharpjaws.sharpSK.hooks.WorldGuard.EffCreateRegion.execute( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute2( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.handleCommand( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.command.Commands$1.onPlayerCommand( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor185.invoke(Unknown Source) 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at$1.execute( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ 07.08 02:10:01 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ i found out that the error was a little fuckt in the [ CODE ] thingy

Script lines that execute the error:
If arg-1 is "Accept":
            If {Koth.creating.%player%} is set:
                If {Koth.markeret} is set:
                    If {Pos1} is set:
                        If {Pos2} is set:
                            create wg region "%{Koth.set.%{Koth.creating.%player%}%}%" between {Pos1}  and {Pos2} in world "KitPvP"
                            Set {Koth.set.%{Koth.creating.%player%}%} to {Koth.set.%{Koth.creating.%player%}%}
                            Wait 1 tick
                            Add {Koth.creating.%player%} to {Koth.List::*}
                            Wait 1 tick
                            Delete {Pos1}
                            Delete {Pos2}
                            Delete {Koth.markeret}
                            Send "{@p} &3Du har nu lavet &7%{Koth.creating.%player%}%"
                            Delete {Koth.creating.%player%}
WE: worldedit-bukkit-6.1.5.jar (I have that Async world edit too.)

S V: skript2.2-1.jar

PirateSK: PirateSK v5.0.jar (I think it could be that, but im not sure)
[doublepost=1502124129,1502068079][/doublepost]Anyone? BTW, this is my code for setting the Loc1 and 2.

On block break:
    If {Koth.Creating.%player%} is set:
        Cancel event
        Set {Loc1} to location of event-block
        wait 1 tick
        Send "{@p} &3Du har nu markeret første hjørne!"
On rightclick:
    If clicked block is set:
        If {Koth.Creating.%player%} is set:
            Cancel event
            Set {Loc2} to location of clicked block
            Send "{@p} &3Du har nu markeret det andet hjørne!"
            Set {Koth.markeret} to true
            Send "{@p} &3Skriv &6/Koth accept &3igen, for at markere dette &6&lKoTH&3! &7- &3Skriv &c/Koth deny &3for at anullere!"
Did you even look at the stacktrace? It's pretty self explanatory - "Invalid region ID: <none>" (line 14 in the hastebin)

So theres something wrong with this - %{Koth.set.%{Koth.creating.%player%}%}%
Did you even look at the stacktrace? It's pretty self explanatory - "Invalid region ID: <none>" (line 14 in the hastebin)

So theres something wrong with this - %{Koth.set.%{Koth.creating.%player%}%}%
Hmmm... I looked at it, but i did not know what it was meaning, But - Never mind, thank you.

I looked at my code and found the error, thanks alot.
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