Solved Variables can't hold strings?

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Active Member
Jul 20, 2017
I have this code:
on damage:
    if attacker's tool is a blaze rod named "&5Varázspálca":
        if {B.%attacker%} = tuz:
            if {J.%attacker%} = ures:
                ignite victim for 5 seconds
            if {J.%attacker%} = tuz:
                ignite victim for 5 seconds
            if {J.%attacker%} = levego:
                message "A levegő kioltja a tüzet" to attacker
        if {B.%attacker%} = viz:
            if {J.%attacker%} = ures:
                message "&9Fulladsz" to victim
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set {_loc.%victim%} to the location 1 meter above the victim
                drawDot count 10, particle "watersplash", XYZ .2, .2, .2, center {_loc.victim}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
                set victim's walk speed to 0
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's walk speed to 0.2
            if {J.%attacker%} = viz:
                message "&9Fulladsz" to victim
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set {_loc.%victim%} to the location 1 meter above the victim
                drawDot count 10, particle "watersplash", XYZ .2, .2, .2, center {_loc.victim}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
                set victim's walk speed to 0
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's walk speed to 0.2
        if {B.%attacker%} = fold:
            if {J.%attacker%} = ures:
                apply blindness to victim for 5 seconds
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to grass
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to levego
            if {J.%attacker%} = fold:
                apply blindness to victim for 5 seconds
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to grass
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to levego
        if {B.%attacker%} = levego:
            if {J.%attacker%} = ures:
                push victim backwards at speed 5
            if {J.%attacker%} = levego:
                push victim backwards at speed 5
        if {J.%attacker%} = tuz:
            if {B.%attacker%} = ures:
                ignite victim for 5 seconds
            if {B.%attacker%} = tuz:
                ignite victim for 5 seconds
        if {J.%attacker%} = viz:
            if {B.%attacker%} = ures:
                message "&9Fulladsz" to victim
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set {_loc.%victim%} to the location 1 meter above the victim
                drawDot count 10, particle "vizsplash", XYZ .2, .2, .2, center {_loc.victim}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
                set victim's walk speed to 0
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's walk speed to 0.2
            if {B.%attacker%} = viz:
                message "&9Fulladsz" to victim
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set {_loc.%victim%} to the location 1 meter above the victim
                drawDot count 10, particle "vizsplash", XYZ .2, .2, .2, center {_loc.victim}, visibleRange 320, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 20 ticks
                set victim's walk speed to 0
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's walk speed to 0.2
        if {J.%attacker%} = fold:
            if {B.%attacker%} = ures:
                apply blindness to victim for 5 seconds
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to grass
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to levego
            if {B.%attacker%} = fold:
                apply blindness to victim for 5 seconds
                apply poison to victim for 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to grass
                wait 5 seconds
                set victim's helmet to levego
        if {J.%attacker%} = levego:
            if {B.%attacker%} = ures:
                push victim backwards at speed 5
            if {B.%attacker%} = levego:
                push victim backwards at speed 5
        cancel event
And I have a lot of error:

[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'tuz' is not an entity type (, line 51: if {B.%attacker%} = tuz:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'viz' is not an entity type (, line 58: if {B.%attacker%} = viz:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'fold' is not an entity type (, line 75: if {B.%attacker%} = fold:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'levego' is not an entity type (, line 88: if {B.%attacker%} = levego:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'tuz' is not an entity type (, line 93: if {J.%attacker%} = tuz:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'viz' is not an entity type (, line 98: if {J.%attacker%} = viz:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'fold' is not an entity type (, line 115: if {J.%attacker%} = fold:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'levego' is not an entity type (, line 128: if {J.%attacker%} = levego:')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'tuz' is not an entity type (, line 152: set {J.%player%} to tuz')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'viz' is not an entity type (, line 155: set {J.%player%} to viz')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'fold' is not an entity type (, line 158: set {J.%player%} to fold')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'levego' is not an entity type (, line 161: set {J.%player%} to levego')
[22:16:29 ERROR]: 'ures' is not an entity type (, line 164: set {J.%player%} to ures')
[22:16:30 ERROR]: 'tuz' is not an entity type (, line 167: set {B.%player%} to tuz')
[22:16:30 ERROR]: 'viz' is not an entity type (, line 170: set {B.%player%} to viz')
[22:16:30 ERROR]: 'fold' is not an entity type (, line 173: set {B.%player%} to fold')
[22:16:30 ERROR]: 'levego' is not an entity type (, line 176: set {B.%player%} to levego')
[22:16:30 ERROR]: 'ures' is not an entity type (, line 179: set {B.%player%} to ures')
What is the problem? :emoji_frowning:
I'm so sad now :emoji_frowning:
They definitely can, try putting tuz in quotes
if {variable} = "text string":
also it makes it a bit easier to read your code and help if you put either in pastebin and post the link or use the insert code option before you post:3
They definitely can, try putting tuz in quotes
if {variable} = "text string":
also it makes it a bit easier to read your code and help if you put either in pastebin and post the link or use the insert code option before you post:3
oh, thx. I am tired again :emoji_grinning:
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