Category: \_(-_-)_/
Suggested name: XP-Delay Commands
Spigot/Skript Version: Spigot 1.8.8
What I want:
I desire a script that when you type a command for example: /delayspawn, it will check your xp levels and if you have 0 XP levels, it the script will wait 7 seconds and then run a player command: /spawn. However, the more the XP goes up, the less the delay between teleportation should be. I was hoping something like 400 levels would be the minimum delay at 1 second.
(If you ever played CosmicPVP, its very similar to that)
Ideas for commands:
just a /delayspawn command would work
Ideas for permissions:
permission to use the command I guess
When I'd like it by: Idk maybe by two weeks...
Suggested name: XP-Delay Commands
Spigot/Skript Version: Spigot 1.8.8
What I want:
I desire a script that when you type a command for example: /delayspawn, it will check your xp levels and if you have 0 XP levels, it the script will wait 7 seconds and then run a player command: /spawn. However, the more the XP goes up, the less the delay between teleportation should be. I was hoping something like 400 levels would be the minimum delay at 1 second.
(If you ever played CosmicPVP, its very similar to that)
Ideas for commands:
just a /delayspawn command would work
Ideas for permissions:
permission to use the command I guess
When I'd like it by: Idk maybe by two weeks...