WorldTPA [Sk, SkQuery] (Snippet)

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here's a skript that @BrettPlayMC requested.

Will probably be updated later on (Feel free to update it if you wish! :emoji_slight_smile:)

    tpaprefix: &8[&4WorldTPA&8]

on join:
    if {timeout.%player%} is not set:
        set {timeout.%player%} to "120"
    if {requested.%player%} is not set:
        set {requested.%player%} to false

command /tpa [<player>]:
    permission: {@command_tpa_permission}
    usage: /tpa [<player>]
        if player's world is "Survival":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1's world is "Survival":
                    set {requested.%player%} to true
                    message "{@tpaprefix} &7Requesting to &c%arg 1% &7for tpa." to player
                    message "{@tpaprefix} &c%player% &7has requested to teleport to you" to arg 1
                    message "{@tpaprefix} &7The request will time out in &c%{timeout.%player%}% seconds" to arg 1
                    wait 120 seconds
                    if {accepted.%player%} is true:
                        set {accepted.%player%} to false
                        set {requested.%player%} to false
                message "{@tpaprefix} &7Correct Usage: &c/tpa [<player>]"

command /tpaccept [<player>]:
    permission: {@command_tpaccept_permission}
    usage: /tpaccept [<player>]
        if player's world is "Survival":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 1's world is "Survival":
                    if {requested.%arg 1%} is true:
                        set {requested.%arg 1%} to false
                        message "{@tpaprefix} &7TPA Request accepted! &c(Wait 5 seconds, moving will disable it. Any movement. Stay still for 5 seconds.)" to arg 1
                        wait 5 seconds
                        if {moved.%arg 1%} is true:
                            message "{@tpaprefix} &7TPA canceled due to &cmovements" to arg 1
                            teleport arg 1 to player
                            set {accepted.%player%} to true
                message "{@tpaprefix} &7Correct Usage: &c/tpaccept [<player>]"

on walking on dirt, or stone, or cobblestone, or grass, or sand, or obsidian:
    set {moved.%player%} to true
    wait 5 seconds
    set {moved.%player%} to false
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Hey, your script is good but there are a bunch of things that could be optmized, for example use list variables instead of single variables, use player's uuid instead of the player object as index and other kind of things.

P.S: Did you test it? I see there things that may not work.
Hey, your script is good but there are a bunch of things that could be optmized, for example use list variables instead of single variables, use player's uuid instead of the player object as index and other kind of things.

P.S: Did you test it? I see there things that may not work.
Yes, I have tested it. Feel free to make it better though as I'm not the best with skript itself! :emoji_slight_smile: