Solved Why doesn't this work?

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Aug 6, 2023
Hi, I am very new to skript and am trying to code a loop where every 1.5 seconds, your level goes down by one. This is the code i've tried:

on join:
while player is online:
make console execute command "/experience add %player% -1 levels"
set {Player_XP} to player's level
wait 1.5 seconds

does anyone know why this doesnt work? If so, please tell me.
Hi, I am very new to skript and am trying to code a loop where every 1.5 seconds, your level goes down by one. This is the code i've tried:

on join:
while player is online:
make console execute command "/experience add %player% -1 levels"
set {Player_XP} to player's level
wait 1.5 seconds

does anyone know why this doesnt work? If so, please tell me.
The on join event makes it so your code only happens when a player joins. Also, you don't wanna remove a player's XP using a console command. The reasoning being it's a lot longer than a more simplistic alternative. To fix these issues:

   ReXP: "true"

every 1.5 seconds:
   if {@ReXP} is "true":
      loop all players:
         subtract 1 from loop-player's xp # FYI; the 1 is how much XP you're removing, not levels
The on join event makes it so your code only happens when a player joins. Also, you don't wanna remove a player's XP using a console command. The reasoning being it's a lot longer than a more simplistic alternative. To fix these issues:

   ReXP: "true"

every 1.5 seconds:
   if {@ReXP} is "true":
      loop all players:
         subtract 1 from loop-player's xp # FYI; the 1 is how much XP you're removing, not levels
Thank you very much. Sorry for the late reply though.
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