Discord Thread What is wrong with my current code?

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
    P : &6Stats &8| &7
    A : &8➟&7
    L: &8&m---------------------------

function loadStats(s: player, e: player):
    set metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&8%{_s}%'s Stats"
    set slot (all integers between 0 and 27) of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to black stained glass pane named "&8&ka"
    set {_k} to kill entity stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_d} to deaths stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_m} to format({_s}'s balance)
    set {_playtime} to time format from time played of {_s}
    set {_mb} to mob kills stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_blocksplaced} to {Stats::BlockPlace::%uuid of {_s}%} ? 0
    set {_blocksbroken} to {Stats::BlockBreak::%uuid of {_s}%} ? 0
    set {_killsformatted} to killsformat({_k})
    set {_bbformatted} to bbformat({_blocksbroken})
    set slot 10 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to diamond sword with all flags hidden named "&b&lPLAYER KILLS" with lore "&fPlayer kills: &a%{_killsformatted}%"
    set slot 11 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to skeleton skull with all flags hidden named "&7&lDEATHS" with lore "&fCurrent deaths: &a%{_d}%"
    set slot 12 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to gold ingot with all flags hidden named "&e&lMONEY" with lore "&fMoney: &a$%{_m}%"
    set slot 13 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to clock with all flags hidden named "&e&lPLAYTIME" with lore "&fCurrent playtime: &a%{_playtime}%"
    set slot 14 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to zombie head with all flags hidden named "&2&lMOB KILLS" with lore "&fMob kills: &a%{_mb}%"
    set slot 15 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to dirt block with all flags hidden named "<##B5825A>&lBLOCKS PLACED" with lore "&fBlocks placed: &a%{_blocksplaced}%"
    set slot 16 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to diamond pickaxe with all flags hidden named "&b&lBLOCKS BROKEN" with lore "&fBlocks broken: &a%{_bbformatted}%"
    open metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to {_e}

command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
    cooldown: 3 seconds#
    cooldown message: {@P} &7Please wait &6%remaining time% &7until using this command again!
    aliases: /stat
        if arg-1 is not set:
            loadStats(sender, sender)
        else if arg-1 is set:
            loadStats(arg-1, sender)

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "stats" of player):
        cancel event

on block place:
    add 1 to {Stats::BlockPlace::%uuid of player%}

on block break:
    add 1 to {Stats::BlockBreak::%uuid of player%}
function killsformat(s: string) :: number:
    set {_s} to {_s} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_i} if {_s} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_z::*} to split {_s} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_z::1} with ""
        {_z::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_z::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_i} * 3))
    return 0
function bbformat(bbs: string) :: number:
    set {_bbs} to {_bbs} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_bbi} if {_bbs} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_bbz::*} to split {_bbs} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_bbz::1} with ""
        {_bbz::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_bbz::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_bbi} * 3))
    return 0

Posted by: inqy. from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
    P : &6Stats &8| &7
    A : &8➟&7
    L: &8&m---------------------------

function loadStats(s: player, e: player):
    set metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&8%{_s}%'s Stats"
    set slot (all integers between 0 and 27) of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to black stained glass pane named "&8&ka"
    set {_k} to kill entity stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_d} to deaths stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_m} to format({_s}'s balance)
    set {_playtime} to time format from time played of {_s}
    set {_mb} to mob kills stat using {_s} for {_s}
    set {_blocksplaced} to {Stats::BlockPlace::%uuid of {_s}%} ? 0
    set {_blocksbroken} to {Stats::BlockBreak::%uuid of {_s}%} ? 0
    set {_killsformatted} to stats({_k})
    set {_bbformatted} to stats({_blocksbroken})
    set slot 10 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to diamond sword with all flags hidden named "&b&lPLAYER KILLS" with lore "&fPlayer kills: &a%{_killsformatted}%"
    set slot 11 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to skeleton skull with all flags hidden named "&7&lDEATHS" with lore "&fCurrent deaths: &a%{_d}%"
    set slot 12 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to gold ingot with all flags hidden named "&e&lMONEY" with lore "&fMoney: &a$%{_m}%"
    set slot 13 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to clock with all flags hidden named "&e&lPLAYTIME" with lore "&fCurrent playtime: &a%{_playtime}%"
    set slot 14 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to zombie head with all flags hidden named "&2&lMOB KILLS" with lore "&fMob kills: &a%{_mb}%"
    set slot 15 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to dirt block with all flags hidden named "<##B5825A>&lBLOCKS PLACED" with lore "&fBlocks placed: &a%{_blocksplaced}%"
    set slot 16 of metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to diamond pickaxe with all flags hidden named "&b&lBLOCKS BROKEN" with lore "&fBlocks broken: &a%{_bbformatted}%"
    open metadata tag "stats" of {_e} to {_e}

command /stats [<offlineplayer>]:
    cooldown: 3 seconds#
    cooldown message: {@P} &7Please wait &6%remaining time% &7until using this command again!
    aliases: /stat
        if arg-1 is not set:
            loadStats(sender, sender)
        else if arg-1 is set:
            loadStats(arg-1, sender)

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "stats" of player):
        cancel event

on block place:
    add 1 to {Stats::BlockPlace::%uuid of player%}

on block break:
    add 1 to {Stats::BlockBreak::%uuid of player%}
function stats(s: string) :: number:
    set {_s} to {_s} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_i} if {_s} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_z::*} to split {_s} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_z::1} with ""
        {_z::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_z::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_i} * 3))
    return 0

changed to 1
no errors
but it just shows up as 0 blocks broken
its this i think
set {_killsformatted} to stats({_k})
I didnt know what to put in the brackets so I put {_k} because I thought then its getting it from the kills

Posted by: inqy. from the skUnity Discord.
I dont see you helping
{_k} is a number (the number of kills). Your format function takes a string as an input and outputs a number so it is not necessary
Ye, idk why you are formatting
All of your original variables are already numbers
So putting them in a function that goes from string to number is pointless and probably breaks it

Posted by: the.phill from the skUnity Discord.
your format is the wrong way round
the function turns 1m into 1000000 but you're asking it to turn 1000000 into 1m

Posted by: bluelhf from the skUnity Discord.
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