warp system that work by blocks (help)

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Jan 4, 2021
i did that skript:
on rightclick with stone: event-item is stone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the Diamond Mine": teleport player to location({TeleportX}, {TeleportY}, {TeleportZ}) send "&aTeleported..." to player command /setDiamondMine: permission: op trigger: set {TeleportX} to player's x-coordinate set {TeleportY} to player's y-coordinate set {TeleportZ} to player's z-coordinate send "&aLocation Set to %{TeleportX}%&f, &a%{TeleportY}%&f, &a%{TeleportZ}%!" to player command /giveDiamondTP: permission: op trigger: give 1 stone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the Diamond Mine" to player
and its not working for me :[
can someone help me!?
i'm sure you don't mean this seriously - [ code ] please
ok! sorry

on right click:
if player's held item is endstone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the end biome":
teleport player to location({Teleport4}, {Teleport5}, {Teleport6})
send "&aTeleported..." to the player
command /setDiamondMine2:
permission: op
set {Teleport4} to player's x-coordinate
set {Teleport5} to player's y-coordinate
set {Teleport6} to player's z-coordinate
send "&aLocation Set to %{Teleport4}%&f, &a%{Teleport5}%&f, &a%{Teleport6}%!" to player
command /giveDiamondTP3:
permission: op
give 1 endstone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the end biome" to player
ok! sorry

on right click:
if player's held item is endstone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the end biome":
teleport player to location({Teleport4}, {Teleport5}, {Teleport6})
send "&aTeleported..." to the player
command /setDiamondMine2:
permission: op
set {Teleport4} to player's x-coordinate
set {Teleport5} to player's y-coordinate
set {Teleport6} to player's z-coordinate
send "&aLocation Set to %{Teleport4}%&f, &a%{Teleport5}%&f, &a%{Teleport6}%!" to player
command /giveDiamondTP3:
permission: op
give 1 endstone of aqua affinity named "&bKey to the end biome" to player
1. send it as [ code ]
2. op is not a permission
3. there must be another tab/spaces after if (not sure if you have it - I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING FROM THIS)
4. location at 1, 2, 3 in world "world"
5. what are your errors? nobody's going to help when you just say "iT dOesN't WOrK"
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