visual effect while wearing armor

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Oct 2, 2017
Hi im trying to create a piece of armor that creates a visual effect (villager green sparks etc) around a player that is wearing it, I have got the code below to work with broadcasting a test message but whatever i do to add a visual effect I get told I dont have a world, Could someone tell me how i should finish this skript or give me a example on what I should be doing please, thank you

every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is wearing an gold chestplate:
            if name of loop-player's chestplate is "&a&lI&2ndependence &a&lC&2loak":

p.s. I also have the mythic mobs addon for skript if that makes it easier, i've had a lot of success in the past in creating special attacks and on hit particle effects
You're better off using SharpSK and its armor equip event in the following way:

  item-name: <light green><bold>I<green>ndependence <light green><bold>C<green>loak

on armor equip:
  event-item is gold chestplate
  display name of event-item is "{@item-name}"
  set metadata "independence-loak" of player to true

  while player has metadata "independence-loak":
    play 10 happy villager on player

on armor unequip:
  event-item is a gold chestplate
  display name of event-item is "{@item-name}"
  delete metadata "independence-loak" of player
Does armor equip fire on login? Because if not you'd probably need a login check to start the loop too in case they log in while already wearing the armor. That's why for things like this I tend to outsource the loop into a function and call my start<Whatever>Loop function wherever it should be re-triggered (like login and equip events). Though for a simple loop like this you could probably just repeat the code.
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