Solved Variable Wont Update

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function getWorthOfFish(i: Item Type) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish4DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()%"
    if name of {_i} contains "&7Common Herring":
        return 10
    else if name of {_i} contains "&7Common Crab":
        return 100
        return 0

#Bonus money u get wenn a fish has a bigger size than 1.
# Example:
#     Inc value = 1$:
#         size = 1 = 1$
#         size = 1.5 = 1.5$
#         size = 3 = 3$
#     Inc value = 2.5$:
#         size = 1 = 2.5$
#         size = 1.5 = 3.75$
#         size = 3 = 7.5$
function getSizeIncrease(i: item, s: number) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish5DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()% %{_s}%"
    if name of {_i} contains "&7Common Herring":
        return (1 * {_s})
    else if name of {_i} contains "&7Common Crab":
        return (10 * {_s})
        return 0

function getSize(i: item) :: number:
    set {_s} to line 1 of lore of {_i}
    set {_s::*} to {_s} split at "&8* &aSize: "
    set {_s} to {_s::2}
    replace every "cm" with "" in {_s}
    set {_s} to {_s} parsed as a number
    return {_s}

function getPriceOfFish(i: items) :: number:
    broadcast "FishPriceTrigger"
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        delete {_p::*}
        set {_p::w} to getWorthOfFish(loop-value)
        set {_p::s} to getSize(loop-value)
        set {_p::i} to getSizeIncrease(loop-value,{_p::s})
        set {_p::p} to {_p::w} + {_p::i}
        set {_p::a} to item amount of loop-value
        set {_p::t} to {_p::a} * {_p::p}
        add {_p::t} to {_t}
        broadcast "Fish3DATA: %loop-value%"
        broadcast "Fish2DATA: %{_p::w}% %{_p::s}% %{_p::i}% %{_p::p}% %{_p::a}% %{_p::t}%"
    return {_t}

function getFish(p: player) :: items:
    loop all items in {_p}'s current inventory:
        if loop-value is raw cod, raw salmon or pufferfish:
            if name of loop-value contains "&7Common Herring" or "&7Common Crab":
                add loop-value to {_fish::*}
    return {_fish::*}

function getLatestPrice(i: item) :: number:
    set {_p} to name of {_i}
    replace every "&aSell for: &a$&a" with "" in {_p}
    set {_p} to {_p} parsed as a number
    return {_p}

function fishAmount(i: items) :: number:
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        add item amount of loop-value to {_t}
    return {_t}

function updateFishPrice(p: player):
    wait 1 tick
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set name of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&aSell for: &a$&a%{_totalprice}%"
    set line 1 of lore of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&bAmount of fish: %{_fishamount}%"

function sellFish(p: player, i: item):
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set {_latestprice} to getLatestPrice({_i})
    if {_latestprice} = {_totalprice}:
        if {_totalprice} = 0:
            send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cNothing to sell" to {_p}
        close {_p}'s inventory
        add {_totalprice} to balance of {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7You sold all your fish for &a$%{_totalprice}%" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cOops something went wrong. ##001 Price Not Matching" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7Updating Price..." to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7##001 Pls try again." to {_p}

function openfish(p: player):
    open virtual chest with size 4 named "&bMr. Boatwright" to {_p}
    format gui slot 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "" to do nothing
    format gui slot 31 of {_p} with diamond to run function sellFish({_p}, gui-clicked-item)

on InventoryClickEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on InventoryDragEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on right click on entity:
    if name of clicked entity contains "&bMr. Boatwright":

This should be dooing mutch more now but idk if it will work 100%


function getWorthOfFish(i: Item Type) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish4DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return 10
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return 100
        return 0

#Bonus money u get wenn a fish has a bigger size than 1.
# Example:
#     Inc value = 1$:
#         size = 1 = 1$
#         size = 1.5 = 1.5$
#         size = 3 = 3$
#     Inc value = 2.5$:
#         size = 1 = 2.5$
#         size = 1.5 = 3.75$
#         size = 3 = 7.5$
function getSizeIncrease(i: item, s: number) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish5DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()% %{_s}%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return (1 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return (10 * {_s})
        return 0

function getSize(i: item) :: number:
    set {_s} to line 1 of lore of {_i}
    set {_s::*} to {_s} split at "&8* &aSize: "
    set {_s} to {_s::2}
    replace every "cm" with "" in {_s}
    set {_s} to {_s} parsed as a number
    return {_s}

function getPriceOfFish(i: items) :: number:
    broadcast "FishPriceTrigger"
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        delete {_p::*}
        set {_p::w} to getWorthOfFish(loop-value)
        set {_p::s} to getSize(loop-value)
        set {_p::i} to getSizeIncrease(loop-value,{_p::s})
        set {_p::p} to {_p::w} + {_p::i}
        set {_p::a} to item amount of loop-value
        set {_p::t} to {_p::a} * {_p::p}
        add {_p::t} to {_t}
        broadcast "Fish3DATA: %loop-value%"
        broadcast "Fish2DATA: %{_p::w}% %{_p::s}% %{_p::i}% %{_p::p}% %{_p::a}% %{_p::t}%"
    return {_t}

function getFish(p: player) :: items:
    loop all items in {_p}'s current inventory:
        if loop-value is raw cod, raw salmon or pufferfish:
            if name of loop-value contains "&7Common Herring" or "&7Common Crab":
                add loop-value to {_fish::*}
    return {_fish::*}

function getLatestPrice(i: item) :: number:
    set {_p} to name of {_i}
    replace every "&aSell for: &a$&a" with "" in {_p}
    set {_p} to {_p} parsed as a number
    return {_p}

function fishAmount(i: items) :: number:
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        add item amount of loop-value to {_t}
    return {_t}

function updateFishPrice(p: player):
    wait 1 tick
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set name of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&aSell for: &a$&a%{_totalprice}%"
    set line 1 of lore of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&bAmount of fish: %{_fishamount}%"

function sellFish(p: player, i: item):
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set {_latestprice} to getLatestPrice({_i})
    if {_latestprice} = {_totalprice}:
        if {_totalprice} = 0:
            send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cNothing to sell" to {_p}
        close {_p}'s inventory
        add {_totalprice} to balance of {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7You sold all your fish for &a$%{_totalprice}%" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cOops something went wrong. ##001 Price Not Matching" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7Updating Price..." to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7##001 Pls try again." to {_p}

function openfish(p: player):
    open virtual chest with size 4 named "&bMr. Boatwright" to {_p}
    format gui slot 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "" to do nothing
    format gui slot 31 of {_p} with diamond to run function sellFish({_p}, gui-clicked-item)

on InventoryClickEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on InventoryDragEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on right click on entity:
    if name of clicked entity contains "&bMr. Boatwright":
Now it shows the amount of fish, and the amount i will get. But i cant click the diamond to sell it. When i click the diamond, it doesnt do anything.


function getWorthOfFish(i: Item Type) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish4DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return 10
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return 100
        return 0

#Bonus money u get wenn a fish has a bigger size than 1.
# Example:
#     Inc value = 1$:
#         size = 1 = 1$
#         size = 1.5 = 1.5$
#         size = 3 = 3$
#     Inc value = 2.5$:
#         size = 1 = 2.5$
#         size = 1.5 = 3.75$
#         size = 3 = 7.5$
function getSizeIncrease(i: item, s: number) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish5DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()% %{_s}%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return (1 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return (10 * {_s})
        return 0

function getSize(i: item) :: number:
    set {_s} to line 1 of lore of {_i}
    set {_s::*} to {_s} split at "&8* &aSize: "
    set {_s} to {_s::2}
    replace every "cm" with "" in {_s}
    set {_s} to {_s} parsed as a number
    return {_s}

function getPriceOfFish(i: items) :: number:
    broadcast "FishPriceTrigger"
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        delete {_p::*}
        set {_p::w} to getWorthOfFish(loop-value)
        set {_p::s} to getSize(loop-value)
        set {_p::i} to getSizeIncrease(loop-value,{_p::s})
        set {_p::p} to {_p::w} + {_p::i}
        set {_p::a} to item amount of loop-value
        set {_p::t} to {_p::a} * {_p::p}
        add {_p::t} to {_t}
        broadcast "Fish3DATA: %loop-value%"
        broadcast "Fish2DATA: %{_p::w}% %{_p::s}% %{_p::i}% %{_p::p}% %{_p::a}% %{_p::t}%"
    return {_t}

function getFish(p: player) :: items:
    loop all items in {_p}'s current inventory:
        if loop-value is raw cod, raw salmon or pufferfish:
            if name of loop-value contains "&7Common Herring" or "&7Common Crab":
                add loop-value to {_fish::*}
    return {_fish::*}

function getLatestPrice(i: item) :: number:
    set {_p} to name of {_i}
    replace every "&aSell for: &a$&a" with "" in {_p}
    set {_p} to {_p} parsed as a number
    return {_p}

function fishAmount(i: items) :: number:
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        add item amount of loop-value to {_t}
    return {_t}

function updateFishPrice(p: player):
    wait 1 tick
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set name of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&aSell for: &a$&a%{_totalprice}%"
    set line 1 of lore of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&bAmount of fish: %{_fishamount}%"

function sellFish(p: player):
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set {_latestprice} to getLatestPrice(slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory)
    if {_latestprice} = {_totalprice}:
        if {_totalprice} = 0:
            send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cNothing to sell" to {_p}
        close {_p}'s inventory
        add {_totalprice} to balance of {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7You sold all your fish for &a$%{_totalprice}%" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cOops something went wrong. ##001 Price Not Matching" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7Updating Price..." to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7##001 Pls try again." to {_p}

function openfish(p: player):
    open virtual chest with size 4 named "&bMr. Boatwright" to {_p}
    format gui slot 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "" to do nothing
    format gui slot 31 of {_p} with diamond to run function sellFish({_p})

on InventoryClickEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on InventoryDragEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on right click on entity:
    if name of clicked entity contains "&bMr. Boatwright":
Ok, not some crazy new stuff is happening.


function getWorthOfFish(i: item) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish4DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return 10
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return 100
        return 0

#Bonus money u get wenn a fish has a bigger size than 1.
# Example:
#     Inc value = 1$:
#         size = 1 = 1$
#         size = 1.5 = 1.5$
#         size = 3 = 3$
#     Inc value = 2.5$:
#         size = 1 = 2.5$
#         size = 1.5 = 3.75$
#         size = 3 = 7.5$
function getSizeIncrease(i: item, s: number) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish5DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()% %{_s}%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return (1 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return (10 * {_s})
        return 0

function getSize(i: item) :: number:
    set {_s} to line 1 of lore of {_i}
    set {_s::*} to {_s} split at "&8* &aSize: "
    set {_s} to {_s::2}
    replace every "cm" with "" in {_s}
    set {_s} to {_s} parsed as a number
    return {_s}

function getPriceOfFish(i: items) :: number:
    broadcast "FishPriceTrigger"
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        delete {_p::*}
        set {_p::w} to getWorthOfFish(loop-value)
        set {_p::s} to getSize(loop-value)
        set {_p::i} to getSizeIncrease(loop-value,{_p::s})
        set {_p::p} to {_p::w} + {_p::i}
        set {_p::a} to item amount of loop-value
        set {_p::t} to {_p::a} * {_p::p}
        add {_p::t} to {_t}
        broadcast "Fish3DATA: %loop-value%"
        broadcast "Fish2DATA: %{_p::w}% %{_p::s}% %{_p::i}% %{_p::p}% %{_p::a}% %{_p::t}%"
    return {_t}

function getFish(p: player) :: items:
    loop all items in {_p}'s current inventory:
        if loop-value is raw cod, raw salmon or pufferfish:
            if name of loop-value contains "&7Common Herring" or "&7Common Crab":
                add loop-value to {_fish::*}
    return {_fish::*}

function getLatestPrice(i: item) :: number:
    set {_p} to {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()
    replace every "&aSell for: &a$&a" with "" in {_p}
    set {_p} to {_p} parsed as a number
    return {_p}

function fishAmount(i: items) :: number:
    set {_t} to 0
    loop {_i::*}:
        add item amount of loop-value to {_t}
    return {_t}

function updateFishPrice(p: player):
    wait 1 tick
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set name of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&aSell for: &a$&a%{_totalprice}%"
    set line 1 of lore of slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory to "&bAmount of fish: %{_fishamount}%"

function sellFish(p: player):
    set {_fish::*} to getFish({_p})
    set {_fishamount} to fishAmount({_fish::*})
    set {_totalprice} to getPriceOfFish({_fish::*})
    set {_latestprice} to getLatestPrice(slot 31 of {_p}'s current inventory)
    if {_latestprice} = {_totalprice}:
        if {_totalprice} = 0:
            send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cNothing to sell" to {_p}
        close {_p}'s inventory
        add {_totalprice} to balance of {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7You sold all your fish for &a$%{_totalprice}%" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &cOops something went wrong. ##001 Price Not Matching" to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7Updating Price..." to {_p}
        send "&b[Mr. Boatwright] &7##001 Pls try again." to {_p}

function openfish(p: player):
    open virtual chest with size 4 named "&bMr. Boatwright" to {_p}
    format gui slot 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "" to do nothing
    format gui slot 31 of {_p} with diamond to run function sellFish({_p})

on InventoryClickEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on InventoryDragEvent:
    if "%event.getView().getTitle()%" = "&bMr. Boatwright":

on right click on entity:
    if name of clicked entity contains "&bMr. Boatwright":
Ok, i finally think its working now!!! xD But how does the whole checking the money you get for selling the fish thing work?
Last edited:
Ok, i finally think its working now!!! xD But how does the whole checking the money for the fish cost thing work?



Here u can add new fish names + with the default price of a fish (Return values)


Okay so if a fish is bigger u get more money. So idk how u wanna do that but in the Return values of this function u can set a formula per fish type. Now i have like (Herring size * 1$) = bonus money (Crab size * 10$)= bonus money

These 2 functions are basicly it for pricing

So Worth + Bonus size = total price of that single fish

Hope u get this?
Ok, i finally think its working now!!! xD But how does the whole checking the money you get for selling the fish thing work?

So add fish with resize price like this
function getSizeIncrease(i: item, s: number) :: number:
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return (1 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return (10 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7ANOTHER FISH":
        return (100 * {_s})
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7ANOTHER FISH2":
        return (50 * {_s})
        return 0
[doublepost=1584064721][/doublepost]And default price and fish like this

function getWorthOfFish(i: item) :: number:
    broadcast "Fish4DATA: %{_i}% %{_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()%"
    if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Herring":
        return 10
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7Common Crab":
        return 100
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7ANOTHER FISH":
        return 1000
    else if {_i}.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() contains "&7ANOTHER FISH2":
        return 50
        return 0
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