Using an item only not working!

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Aug 17, 2018
So I am making an Harvester Hoe Skript and I would like to know why players can use their bare hand to get the sugar cane to their inventory directly even if I made specific on the skript that they could only do that with the Hoe!

on break of sugar cane:
    if player has permission "":
        if player is holding a diamond hoe named "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro" with lore "&f&lCANA DE AÇUCAR ... MUITA CANA DE AÇUCAR":
            set {_nitenchadasvip} to a random integer between 3 and 6
            add {_nitenchadasvip} of sugar cane to player's inventory
            set block to air
        if block above event-block is sugar cane:
        if player is holding a diamond hoe named "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro" with lore "&f&lCANA DE AÇUCAR ... MUITA CANA DE AÇUCAR":
            set block above to air
            cancel event
        if player is holding a diamond hoe named "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro" with lore "&f&lCANA DE AÇUCAR ... MUITA CANA DE AÇUCAR":
            set {_nitenchadasnormais} to a random integer between 2 and 5
            add {_nitenchadasnormais} of sugar cane to player's inventory
            set block to air
        if block above event-block is sugar cane:
        if player is holding a diamond hoe named "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro" with lore "&f&lCANA DE AÇUCAR ... MUITA CANA DE AÇUCAR":
            set block above to air
            cancel event

command /edcad <text> [<player>]:
    permission: enchadasnit.admin
    permission message: &cNop!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&cErrrrrroouuuuuuu"
        if arg 1 is "dar":
            if arg 2 is not online:
                send "Não está online caralho!."
            if arg 2 is online:
                add 1 diamond hoe named "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro" with lore "&f&lCANA DE AÇUCAR ... MUITA CANA DE AÇUCAR" to player's inventory
                send "&fDeste uma enchada ao jogador &3%arg-2%&f."
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on break of sugar cane holding diamond hoe:
   event-player's tool's name = "&3&lEnchada do Ceifeiro"
   # rest of your code

the second line is a condition that will cancel the rest of the code if the player does not hold your custom item
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