unbanning menu

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New Member
Dec 4, 2023
can someone make something so that if someone right clicks an echo shard named "&4Revivor" it brings up a menu with the heads of the banned players and you can click on them to unban them?
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You could try something like this

function openUnbanMenu(p: player, page: integer = 0):
    if size of all banned players is 0:
        send "&cThere is no one to unban" to {_p}
    else if size of all banned players <= 54:
        set {_rows} to ceil(size of all banned players / 9)
        create a gui with virtual chest inventory with {_rows} rows named "&8Banned Users":
            loop all banned players:
                set {_player} to loop-offlineplayer
                make next gui slot with skull of {_player} named "&c%{_player}%" with lore "&aClick to unban":
                    unban {_player}
                    send "&aYou have unbanned %{_player}%" to {_p}
                    if size of all banned players is 0:
                        close {_p}'s inventory
        set {_start} to 1 + 45*{_page}
        set {_stop} to {_start} + 45
        create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 6 rows named "&8Banned Users (%{_page} + 1%/%ceil(size of all banned players / 45)%)":
            loop all banned players:
                if loop-iteration = {_stop}:
                    stop loop
                if loop-iteration >= {_start}:
                    set {_player} to loop-offlineplayer
                    make next gui slot with skull of {_player} named "&c%{_player}%" with lore "&aClick to unban":
                        unban {_player}
                        send "&aYou have unbanned %{_player}%" to {_p}
                        if size of all banned players < {_start}:
                            openUnbanMenu({_p}, {_page}-1)
                            openUnbanMenu({_p}, {_page})
            make gui slot (integers between 45 and 53) with black stained glass pane named ""
            make gui slot 46 with arrow named "&cBack":
                openUnbanMenu({_p}, {_page}-1)
            if (size of all banned players >= {_stop}):
                make gui slot 52 with arrow named "&aNext":
                    openUnbanMenu({_p}, {_page} + 1)
    open last gui to {_p}

on right click with echo shard:
    name of player's tool is "&4Revivor"
I did a little bit of testing but there could still be some issues. Let me know if you find anything.
Requires: skript-gui