- For questions & bugs: DM me
- This plugin is free and fully customizable!
- You have to use 'Skript' to run this plugin.
- Support MultiWorld
- There are no ranks and scoreboards implemented into this plugin. Feel free to use any other plugin for ranks and scoreboards.
- Also check out my other resources.
[?] Disable Hunger
[?] Disable Damage
[?] Disable Rain
[?] Disable Night
[?] Disable Block Break
[?] Disable Block Place
[?] Disable Block Burn
[?] Disable Drop Item
[?] Disable Pickup Items
[?] Disable Explode
[?] Disable Join Message
[?] Disable Death Message
[?] Disable Death Screen
[?] Clear Drops On Death
[?] Join Clear Inventory
[?] Join Clear Chat
[?] Join Title
[?] Join Subtitle
[?] Join Spawn
[?] Join Motd Message
[?] Join Gamemode
[?] VoidTP to Spawn
[?] Custom JoinMessage
[?] Custom QuitMessage
[?] /spawn Command
[?] Command Join
[?] Tablist Header and Footer
[?] Comands Blacklist
[?] Broadcast
[?] Titles Announcer
[?] Chatformat
[?] FarmProtect
[?] FrameProtect
[X] Join BossBar
[X] Join ActionBar
[X] Custom LobbyItems
[X] Server Selector
[X] Animated Scoreboard
Admin commands
/UltraLobby addworld <world> ? Add a world to the lobby list
/UltraLobby removeworld <world> ? Remove a world from the lobby list
/UltraLobby setspawn ? Set the spawnpoint of your lobby
/UltraLobby reload ? Reload the config.yml and language.yml
/Check <player> ? Check all the reports of a player
/Broadcast <message> ? Broadcast a message
Player commands
/Report <player> <reason> ? Report a online or offline player
/Spawn ? Teleports you to the lobby spawnpoint
UltraLobby.spawn ? For the /spawn command
- Download all the requirements, put it into your plugins folder and restart your server.
- Download UltraLobby from the link above and drop it into your scripts folder (.../plugins/Skript/scripts)
- Reload Skript (/sk reload all)
- Go to the UltraLobby folder, open the config.yml file and change everything how you want it.
- Enjoy the plugin!
- Skript: https://github.com/SkriptLang/Skript/releases
- skUtilities: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skutilities.26/
- skRayFall: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/skrayfall/files
- SkQuery: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skquery-1-9-1-15.36631/
- Skellet: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skellett-the-beast-addon.24/
- Skript-yaml: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skript-yaml.49829/
- ExtraSK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/cta2i29b1yraefa/ExtrasSk.jar/file
-> Do not pretend that you have made UltraLobby, the only one that is working on it is jacob123.
-> You may not block the command /UltraLobby. You're not allowed to remove the {@Version} and {@URL} variable.
-> We can deactivate your UltraLobby installation at any time (this means that UltraLobby will no longer work), we do not have any reasons for this.