Type conversion can't be used (BUGs?)

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Aug 23, 2017
Minecraft version:1.12.1
Skript version:lastest
I know:
number to string
number to item
string to item
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You'll have to be more specific with your issue, what's not working exactly? Could you provide an example code so we can understand?

Also, for further reference, "latest" isn't a number nor something specific, you could think you're using the latest version available but you could be actually using the latest version from Bukkit, which isn't the latest release. Just provide the specific version number provided by the version command to avoid this kind of misunderstanding.
Please don't use the Suggestions and Feedback for help with Skript. Your thread has been moved to the Skript Help sub-forum.
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Reactions: Snow-Pyon
You'll have to be more specific with your issue, what's not working exactly? Could you provide an example code so we can understand?

Also, for further reference, "latest" isn't a number nor something specific, you could think you're using the latest version available but you could be actually using the latest version from Bukkit, which isn't the latest release. Just provide the specific version number provided by the version command to avoid this kind of misunderstanding.
command /test3:
set {_x} to "272"
set {_test} to {_x} parsed as item
broadcast "%id of {_test}%"
It sended "<none>".
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