Top 3 Wins Hologram

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New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Category: Fun

Suggested name:

What I want:
Basically this is similar to the Most Kills Skript made in however, I would like this done with the amount of wins. Currently we have a GUI to look at individual wins of players but it is hard to keep track of. If you could somehow link the hologram or the new skript with the current skript I have that would be pretty great :emoji_slight_smile: if not maybe add like a /holowin <playername> command that adds a win to the player for the hologram.

My current win gui skript:

Ideas for commands:
Possibly /addwin <playername> | /delwin <playername> | /resetwins | /resetwins <playername>
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: Anytime
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