"to be unstealable" isn't working

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We need your code, don't say "title says it all" when you have nothing to provide to us.
The title says it all
You should use the correct format instead of saying "The title says it all"
Here is the code :emoji_slight_smile:

    format slot 40 of player with TNT named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the||&7only place to get the unique||&7skins for Minestrike weapons!||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can||&fgive duplicates.||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards||||&for Purchase at: &ewww.mineplex.com/shop" to be unstealable
Here is the code :emoji_slight_smile:

    format slot 40 of player with TNT named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the||&7only place to get the unique||&7skins for Minestrike weapons!||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can||&fgive duplicates.||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards||||&for Purchase at: &ewww.mineplex.com/shop" to be unstealable
Use tuske's GUI manager https://github.com/Tuke-Nuke/TuSKe/wiki/GUI-Manager
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