There are multiple loops that match loop-player.

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New Member
Jul 23, 2017
Hi. I'm getting an error while reloading Skript that says:

"There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want."

Here are some instances in which this error occurs:

        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cUsage: /helpop <message>"
        if arg 1 is set:
            message "&c[Help] &7%player's display name%: &f%arg 1%"
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "is.staff":
                send "&c[Help] &7%player's display name%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player

        message "&7Players in a 200 block radius:"
        loop players in radius 200 of the player:
            if loop-player = player:
                escape 2 lines
            set {target} to loop-player

on chat:
    if {EssSk.settings.mention} = true:
        set {_m::*} to message split at " "
        loop all players:
            if loop-player is not player:
                if {mentionison.%uuid of loop-player%} is true:
                    if {_m::*} contains "@%loop-player%" or "%loop-player%" or "%loop-player%," or "%loop-player%." or "%loop-player%!" or "%loop-player%?" or ",%loop-player%":
                        replace all "@%loop-player%", "%loop-player%", "%loop-player%,", "%loop-player%.", "%loop-player%!", "%loop-player%?" and ",%loop-player%" with "&7@%loop-player%" in message
                        add 1 to {mention.counter.%uuid of player%::%uuid of loop-player%}

every 10 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set {mention.counter.%uuid of loop-player%::*} to 0

Can anyone please help me?
its easier to figure out, if you tell us which line the error is coming from
its easier to figure out, if you tell us which line the error is coming from
Oh, my bad. Sure.

1st one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 752: send "&c[Help] &7%player's display name%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player')

2nd one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 2486: if loop-player is not player:')

3rd one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 2504: set {mention.counter.%uuid of loop-player%::*} to 0')
Oh, my bad. Sure.

1st one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 752: send "&c[Help] &7%player's display name%: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player')

2nd one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 2486: if loop-player is not player:')

3rd one: There are multiple loops that match loop-player. Use loop-player-1/2/3/etc. to specify which loop's value you want. (, line 2504: set {mention.counter.%uuid of loop-player%::*} to 0')
Im super confused on your style of writing this. I don't think its a problem with the loop item themselves, but its just how some things are written.
Example the first one I think might be due to an indentation problem.
Im super confused on your style of writing this. I don't think its a problem with the loop item themselves, but its just how some things are written.
Example the first one I think might be due to an indentation problem.

I didn't write these, but after posting I did see the indentation problem, but for others like the fourth one that seems perfectly fine it is still giving me the error.
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