The command doesn't have a 2nd argument (, line 18: if arg 2 is mute"

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Jul 10, 2018
on join:
    set join message to "§9[+] §7%player% vient de rejoindre le serveur"
on quit:
    set quit message to "§ง9[-] §7%player% vient de quitter le serveur"

command /chat [<text>]:
    permission: admin.use
    aliases: c, tchat
        if player doesn't have permission "clear.admin":
            send "&c&lVous n'avez pas les droits pour éxécuter cette commande"
            stop trigger
        if arg 1 is "clear":
            loop 200 times:
                broadcast ""
            broadcast "&6Le chat à été clear par %player% !"
        if arg 1 is "mute":
            if arg 2 is "mute":
                set {muteall.on} to true
                broadcast "§aLe chat a été mute par %player%"
        if arg 1 is "mute":
            if arg 2 is "on":
                set {} to true
                broadcast "§aLe chat a été démute par %player%"
        if arg 1 is not "mute" or "clear":
            message "&cUsage: /chat <clear:mute>" to player
on chat:
    if {muteall.on} is true:
        cancel event
        send "&cVous ne pouvez pas parler quand le chat est mute."
on command:
    command is "pl" or "plugin" or "plugins" or "?" or "about" or "bukkit:plugins" or "bukkit:pl" or "bukkit:about" or "bukkit:?":
        if player is op:
            cancel event
            send "&c&lVous n'avez pas les droits pour éxécuter cette commande"
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on join:
set join message to "§9[+] §7%player% vient de rejoindre le serveur"
on quit:
set quit message to "§ง9[-] §7%player% vient de quitter le serveur"

command /chat [<text>]:
permission: admin.use
aliases: c, tchat
if player doesn't have permission "clear.admin":
send "&c&lVous n'avez pas les droits pour éxécuter cette commande"
stop trigger
if arg 1 is "clear":
loop 200 times:
broadcast ""
broadcast "&6Le chat à été clear par %player% !"
if arg 1 is "mute":
if arg 2 is "mute":
set {muteall.on} to true
broadcast "§aLe chat a été mute par %player%"
if arg 1 is "mute":
if arg 2 is "on":
set {} to true
broadcast "§aLe chat a été démute par %player%"
if arg 1 is not "mute" or "clear":
message "&cUsage: /chat <clear:mute>" to player

on chat:
if {muteall.on} is true:
cancel event
send "&cVous ne pouvez pas parler quand le chat est mute."

on command:
command is "pl" or "plugin" or "plugins" or "?" or "about" or "bukkit:emoji_stuck_out_tongue:lugins" or "bukkit:emoji_stuck_out_tongue:l" or "bukkit:about" or "bukkit:?":
if player is op:
cancel event
send "&c&lVous n'avez pas les droits pour éxécuter cette commande"
You have to define a second argument in your chat command
Try this:
command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: admin.use
    aliases: c, tchat

Remember that "/chat" is not considered an argument, so the first [<text>] is the arg 1
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