Tetris Game not working :(

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Apr 19, 2020
Here is the code so far:
function gameStart(p: player):
  set {isClosed.%{_p}%} to false
  if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is not set:
    set {isClosed.%{_p}%} to false
  open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&8[&7Sk&6&lTetris&r&8] &7Game" to {_p}
  format gui slot 45,46,47,48,50,51,52,53 of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&7"
  format gui slot 49 of {_p} with barrier named "&cClose" to run:
    set {isClosed.%{_p}%} to true
    close player's inventory
  set {_integer} to random integer between 1 and 9
  set {_color} to random integer between 1 and 3
  if {_color} is 1:
    set {_color.stained} to "red"
  if {_color} is 2:
    set {_color.stained} to "blue"
  if {_color} is 3:
    set {_color.stained} to "green"
  if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
    if slot {_integer} + 9 of {_p}'s inventory is not set:
      wait 1 seconds
      if {_color.stained} is "red":
        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
      if {_color.stained} is "blue":
        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with blue stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
      if {_color.stained} is "green":
        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
      add 9 to {_integer}
      if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
        if slot {_integer} + 9 of {_p}'s inventory is not set:
          wait 1 seconds
          set {_reversed_integer} to {_integer} - 9
          format gui slot {_reversed_integer} of {_p} with air
          if {_color.stained} is "red":
            format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
          if {_color.stained} is "blue":
            format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with blue stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
          if {_color.stained} is "green":
            format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
          add 9 to {_integer}
          if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
            if slot {_integer} + 9 of {_p}'s inventory is not set:
              wait 1 seconds
              set {_reversed_integer} to {_integer} - 9
              format gui slot {_reversed_integer} of {_p} with air
              if {_color.stained} is "red":
                format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
              if {_color.stained} is "blue":
                format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with blue stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
              if {_color.stained} is "green":
                format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
              add 9 to {_integer}
              if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
                if slot {_integer} + 9 of {_p}'s inventory is not set:
                  wait 1 seconds
                  set {_reversed_integer} to {_integer} - 9
                  format gui slot {_reversed_integer} of {_p} with air
                  if {_color.stained} is "red":
                    format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                  if {_color.stained} is "blue":
                    format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with blue stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                  if {_color.stained} is "green":
                    format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                  add 9 to {_integer}
                  if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
                    if slot {_integer} + 9 of {_p}'s inventory is not set:
                      wait 1 seconds
                      set {_reversed_integer} to {_integer} - 9
                      format gui slot {_reversed_integer} of {_p} with air
                      if {_color.stained} is "red":
                        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with red stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                      if {_color.stained} is "blue":
                        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with blue stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                      if {_color.stained} is "green":
                        format gui slot {_integer} of {_p} with green stained glass pane named "&7Tetris block" with lore "&f&lLook out!"
                      if {isClosed.%{_p}%} is false:
Can you help me?
I don't think anyone wants to sit and read that code through, not knowing what exactly to look for .

So you should reply with a more detailed explanation of what exactly you want done, what issues you have, and if you get any errors
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