teleport all players that have (item)

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Mar 15, 2022
im trying to make a mind control thingy and rn this is what i have
on damage:
    attacker is holding a stick named "&6&lMind Control Stick"
    if victim has red stained glass pane:
        set slot 9 of victim's inventory to grey stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 9 of victim's inventory to red stained glass pane named "&6&lM&6&l&li&6&lnd Co&6&l&knt&6&lroled by &6&l&k%attacker%"
        set slot 9 of attacker's inventory to a green stained glass pane named "&6&lMind Controling %victim%"
on any movement:
    player has red stained glass pane
    cancel event
on any movement:
    player has green stained glass pane
    teleport all players that have red stained glass pane in their inventorys to player
rn i only have 1 error line 13 cant understand the effect or condition
so im trying to figure out how to get that to work
im trying to make a mind control thingy and rn this is what i have
on damage:
    attacker is holding a stick named "&6&lMind Control Stick"
    if victim has red stained glass pane:
        set slot 9 of victim's inventory to grey stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 9 of victim's inventory to red stained glass pane named "&6&lM&6&l&li&6&lnd Co&6&l&knt&6&lroled by &6&l&k%attacker%"
        set slot 9 of attacker's inventory to a green stained glass pane named "&6&lMind Controling %victim%"
on any movement:
    player has red stained glass pane
    cancel event
on any movement:
    player has green stained glass pane
    teleport all players that have red stained glass pane in their inventorys to player
rn i only have 1 error line 13 cant understand the effect or condition
so im trying to figure out how to get that to work
on any movement cause a lot of lag and also is goin to be constantly teleporting everyone with red glass to the player with green glass
on any movement:
    player has green stained glass pane
    loop all players:
        loop-player has red stained glass pane
        teleport the loop-player to the player
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