tab completers giving errors in console

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Feb 1, 2017
So My tab completer script works, but it gives error in console (when starting server)

[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 6: on tab completer for "/h":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 20: on tab completer for "/c":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 27: on tab completer for "/ra":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 34: on tab completer for "/e":')

why does it do this?
So My tab completer script works, but it gives error in console (when starting server)

[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 6: on tab completer for "/h":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 20: on tab completer for "/c":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 27: on tab completer for "/ra":')
[21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 34: on tab completer for "/e":')

why does it do this?

You need run commands first then on tab completer, Like functions but other side way.
Just see if the player has the permission and if they do, send them the option.
i tried doing that but it won't work.

on tab completer for "/rankchangerr":
    player has permission "htest.adminn":
        if argument at 1 is set:
            loop all players:
                if argument at 1 is "%loop-player%":
                    add "test" to completions
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