sugar cane and nether wart not showing

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Apr 25, 2021
Hello !
I have made an shop gui skript with tuske but i have an issue the sugar cane and the nether wart are not showing in the gui. can some one help me ?

command /shop:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "FarmSell" to player
        format gui slot 0 and 2 and 4 and 6 and 8 and 10 and 12 and 14 and 16 and 18 and 20 and 22 and 24 and 26 of player with a yellow stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
        format gui slot 1 and 3 and 5 and 7 and 9 and 11 and 15 and 17 and 19 and 21 and 23 and 25 of player with a gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
        format gui slot 10 of player with a stone named "Farm Cultures" to run function farmcultures(player)
        format gui slot 13 of player with a stone named " " to run function farmsell(player)
        #format gui slot 7 of player with stone named "It will run the function doSomething()" to run function doSomething()

function farmsell(p: player): #TuSKe will run this function even if it was loaded after the command above. Need 1.7.2+ for it.
    open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "FarmSell" to {_p}
    format gui slot 0 and 2 and 4 and 6 and 8 and 18 and 26 and 36 and 44 and 46 and 48 and 50 and 52 of {_p} with a yellow stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
    format gui slot 1 and 3 and 5 and 7 and 9 and 17 and 27 and 35 and 45 and 47 and 49 and 51 and 53 of {_p} with a gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing

function farmcultures(p: player): #TuSKe will run this function even if it was loaded after the command above. Need 1.7.2+ for it.
    open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "FarmCultures" to {_p}
    format gui slot 0 and 2 and 4 and 6 and 8 and 18 and 26 and 36 and 44 and 46 and 48 and 50 and 52 of {_p} with a yellow stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
    format gui slot 1 and 3 and 5 and 7 and 9 and 17 and 27 and 35 and 45 and 47 and 49 and 51 and 53 of {_p} with a gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
    format gui slot 10 of {_p} with a apple with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 11 of {_p} with a melon slice with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 12 of {_p} with a carrot with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 13 of {_p} with a potato with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 14 of {_p} with a beetroot with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 15 of {_p} with a sugar cane with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory
    format gui slot 15 of {_p} with a nether wart with lore "&7&ovendre &a&o1 &7&opour &a&o100$" to run:
        add 100 to balance of player
        remove 1 apple from player's inventory

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