Solved SoulWell

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New Member
May 6, 2019
Hello i was making Soul well but for now /souls only work and /soulwell and /soul well upgrade wont work
here is the code:
    souls.%player% = 0
    soulwellmax.%player% = 100
command /souls:
        if world is "SkyWars":
            send "&bYou have &a%{souls.%player%}% &bSouls" to player
on death:
    if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&b+1 Soul" to player
        add 1 to {souls.%player%}
    if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&cSoulWell is full"
command /soulwell [<text>]:
        if argument 1 is not set:
            if world is "SkyWars":
                open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lSoul Well" to player
                format slot 4 of player with End Portal Frame named "&bRoll Soul Well" with lore "&aRoll the soul well &eCost &a10 &bsouls" to close
                format slot 18 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aSouls" with lore "&eClick to see how many souls you have " to close then run [execute player command "/souls"]
                format slot 26 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aUpgrade soul well" with lore "&eClick to add 10 to maximum souls capicity, Cost %{soulwellmax.%player%}% souls " to close then run [execute player command "/soulwell uppgrade"]
        if argument 1 is "upgrade":
            if world is "SkyWars":
                if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    remove 100 from {souls.%player%}
                    add 10 to {soulwellmax.%player%}
                    send "&eSoul well capicity is now &a%{soulwellmax.%player%}%" to player
                if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    send "&cYou dont have enough souls to upgrade"
on rightclick:
     target block is end portal frame
     world is "SkyWars"
     make player execute "/soulwell"
please if you can test and thanks and tell me where is wrong
Hello i was making Soul well but for now /souls only work and /soulwell and /soul well upgrade wont work
here is the code:
    souls.%player% = 0
    soulwellmax.%player% = 100
command /souls:
        if world is "SkyWars":
            send "&bYou have &a%{souls.%player%}% &bSouls" to player
on death:
    if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&b+1 Soul" to player
        add 1 to {souls.%player%}
    if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&cSoulWell is full"
command /soulwell [<text>]:
        if argument 1 is not set:
            if world is "SkyWars":
                open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lSoul Well" to player
                format slot 4 of player with End Portal Frame named "&bRoll Soul Well" with lore "&aRoll the soul well &eCost &a10 &bsouls" to close
                format slot 18 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aSouls" with lore "&eClick to see how many souls you have " to close then run [execute player command "/souls"]
                format slot 26 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aUpgrade soul well" with lore "&eClick to add 10 to maximum souls capicity, Cost %{soulwellmax.%player%}% souls " to close then run [execute player command "/soulwell uppgrade"]
        if argument 1 is "upgrade":
            if world is "SkyWars":
                if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    remove 100 from {souls.%player%}
                    add 10 to {soulwellmax.%player%}
                    send "&eSoul well capicity is now &a%{soulwellmax.%player%}%" to player
                if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    send "&cYou dont have enough souls to upgrade"
on rightclick:
     target block is end portal frame
     world is "SkyWars"
     make player execute "/soulwell"
please if you can test and thanks and tell me where is wrong
1. Mmm, can you send here what is the error?
2. In the place where he established the variables, he lacked to write {}
    {souls.%player%} = 0
    {soulwellmax.%player%} = 100
Hello i was making Soul well but for now /souls only work and /soulwell and /soul well upgrade wont work
here is the code:
    souls.%player% = 0
    soulwellmax.%player% = 100
command /souls:
        if world is "SkyWars":
            send "&bYou have &a%{souls.%player%}% &bSouls" to player
on death:
    if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&b+1 Soul" to player
        add 1 to {souls.%player%}
    if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
        victim is player
        attacker is player
        world is "Memorial"
        send "&cSoulWell is full"
command /soulwell [<text>]:
        if argument 1 is not set:
            if world is "SkyWars":
                open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lSoul Well" to player
                format slot 4 of player with End Portal Frame named "&bRoll Soul Well" with lore "&aRoll the soul well &eCost &a10 &bsouls" to close
                format slot 18 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aSouls" with lore "&eClick to see how many souls you have " to close then run [execute player command "/souls"]
                format slot 26 of player with Ender Pearl named "&aUpgrade soul well" with lore "&eClick to add 10 to maximum souls capicity, Cost %{soulwellmax.%player%}% souls " to close then run [execute player command "/soulwell uppgrade"]
        if argument 1 is "upgrade":
            if world is "SkyWars":
                if {souls.%player%} is {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    remove 100 from {souls.%player%}
                    add 10 to {soulwellmax.%player%}
                    send "&eSoul well capicity is now &a%{soulwellmax.%player%}%" to player
                if {souls.%player%} is smaller than {soulwellmax.%player%}:
                    send "&cYou dont have enough souls to upgrade"
on rightclick:
     target block is end portal frame
     world is "SkyWars"
     make player execute "/soulwell"
please if you can test and thanks and tell me where is wrong
Please be more descriptive then
wont work
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Please be more descriptive then
nvm it works now i figured it out it just was no errors in console and unkown command im not that noob i can read errors 100% right
1. Mmm, can you send here what is the error?
2. In the place where he established the variables, he lacked to write {}
    {souls.%player%} = 0
    {soulwellmax.%player%} = 100
does i must put the brackets{} ??
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