Sorting multidimensional lists?

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Liam Jacobs

Jan 26, 2021
This is an issue I've run into a couple of times and had to create work-arounds for, and I'm wondering if there's not something I'm missing?

I'm aware that you can sort a list normally via:
set {warps::*} to sorted {warps::*}

However, sometimes you'll have multidimensional lists, and it'd be nice to be able to sort all of the lists based on the values held in one. For example:

{warps::names::*} contains the name of each warp.
{warps::visitors::*} contains an integer.

Is it possible to sort both lists by the values in "visitors?"

For example, if it were unsorted:
{warps::names::1} - "World"
{warps::visitors::1} - 12

{warps::names::2} - "Hello"
{warps::visitors::2} - 15

{warps::names::3} - "Wow!"
{warps::visitors::3} - 52

Sorted by "visitors":
{warps::names::1} - "Wow!"
{warps::visitors::1} - 52

{warps::names::2} - "Hello"
{warps::visitors::2} - 15

{warps::names::3} - "World"
{warps::visitors::3} - 12

I think you might be forced to make a workaround like the other times, such as comparing the numbers every time someone visits a warp and then re-ordering them manually, but I've only spent a few hours tweaking with loop variables so I might also be missing something.
This is an issue I've run into a couple of times and had to create work-arounds for, and I'm wondering if there's not something I'm missing?

I'm aware that you can sort a list normally via:
set {warps::*} to sorted {warps::*}

However, sometimes you'll have multidimensional lists, and it'd be nice to be able to sort all of the lists based on the values held in one. For example:

{warps::names::*} contains the name of each warp.
{warps::visitors::*} contains an integer.

Is it possible to sort both lists by the values in "visitors?"