Someone please fix this /tempban skript

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2024
Its not working, I dont know why
command /tempban [<player>] [<timespan>] [<text>]:
    permission: tempban.mod.expadorsystem
    permission message: &cYou don't have access to this command!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cYou must specify a player name" to player
        if arg 2 is not a number:
            send "&cYou must specify a duration for the ban" to player
        if arg 3 is "":
            send "&cYou must specify a reason for the ban" to player
        ban arg 1 due to arg 3 for arg 2
        set {_bannedPlayer} to arg 1
        set {_duration} to arg 2
        set {_reason} to arg 3
        send "&aYou have succesfully &cTEMP-BANNED &e%arg 1% &afor &e%arg 2% &aand reason &e%arg 3%"
What's the problem? also don't make the arguments optional

Also timespans are formatted as "1 hour" and stuff like that, just make it a number argument and have it ban them for that many seconds.

Or make it a text with a number and then a letter (like h, m, s, w, mo, y) to decide how long it is
No, I can't.

This is skript-help, not skript-spoonfeeding.
I can, however, point you in the right direction. You can auto-replace "h" with "hour" and then parse it as a timespan or split the text at the number to grab the letter and the number separated.
I tried chaning it to number, that did not work.
and this is the command i did

/tempban test 1h Test

and that did not work