Hi!, im having some issues with this.. I already read the docs, and this never happend to me.
Im trying to make a custom command that shows yours stats of warns, mutes, and if you are muted, but I dont want that all players can read the others players stats, so, you only can read others stats if you have permission "cat.check".
This is my actual code.
.... but when I reload skripts....
This comand doesn't have any arguments (myskript.sk, line 283: if arg-1 is not set:')
This comand doesn't have any arguments (myskript.sk, line 288: if arg-1 is set:')
i dont know, this should works, im really confused at this time. Thanks fo reading!
Im trying to make a custom command that shows yours stats of warns, mutes, and if you are muted, but I dont want that all players can read the others players stats, so, you only can read others stats if you have permission "cat.check".
This is my actual code.
command /catcheck [player]:
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&7============== &eTu historial. &7=============="
send "&c>&7Advertencias: &c%{adv::%player%}%"
send "&c>&7Cantidad de veces que fuiste muteado: &c%{mutes::%player%}%"
send "&c>&7Estado de mute según CAT: &c%{muted::%player%}% &7(Si es true y NO estàs muteado, habla en el chat)"
if arg-1 is set:
if player does not have permission "cat.check":
message "{@SuFix} {@NoPerm}"
stop trigger
send "&7============== &eHistorial de &c%arg-1% &7=============="
send "&c>&eAdvertencias: &c&l%{adv::%arg-1%}%"
send "&c>&eCantidad de veces que fuè muteado: &c&l%{mutes::%arg-1%}%"
send "&c>&eEstado de mute según CAT: &c&l%{muted::%arg-1%}% &7(éste estado es independiente del /mute)"
send "&c>&eIP: &c%ip of arg-1%"
.... but when I reload skripts....
This comand doesn't have any arguments (myskript.sk, line 283: if arg-1 is not set:')
This comand doesn't have any arguments (myskript.sk, line 288: if arg-1 is set:')
i dont know, this should works, im really confused at this time. Thanks fo reading!