Category: Skript
Suggested name: InventoryLocationSaver
What I want:
When player out server in world name "xyz" , server will set his inventory and location to {playername.inventory} , ...
And when use a command /backinventory . /back , it will teleport to the location and backup inventory
Ideas for commands: /backinventory . /back
Ideas for permissions: backinventory.admin , back.admin
When I'd like it by: For some server survival :3
Suggested name: InventoryLocationSaver
What I want:
When player out server in world name "xyz" , server will set his inventory and location to {playername.inventory} , ...
And when use a command /backinventory . /back , it will teleport to the location and backup inventory
Ideas for commands: /backinventory . /back
Ideas for permissions: backinventory.admin , back.admin
When I'd like it by: For some server survival :3