Solved Skript Problems I Need Help!

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Feb 25, 2017
Hey so I have this mobcoins skript and it all works except for adding the mobcoins to their coin balance:

command /coins [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@P}"
            send "&7&oYour coins balance is:"
            send ""
            send "&bCoins &3» &f%{coins.%player%}%"
        if arg 1 is "help":
            if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                send "{@P}"
                send "&7&oHere you can view the commands!"
                send ""
                send "&b/coins give (player) (number)"
                send "&b/coins view (player)"
                send "&b/coins remove (player) (number)"
                send "&b/coins reset (player)"
                send "&b/coins shop"
                send "&b/coins transfer"               
                send "{@UP}"               
        if arg 1 is "give":
            if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                send "{@P}"
                send "&7&oPlease give an &aIGN &7and a &aNumber!"
                send ""
                send "{@UP}"
            if arg 2 is set:   
                if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                    send "{@P}"
                    send "&7&oPlease give a &anumber!"
                    send ""
                    send "{@UP}"   
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                        add number arg to {coins.%arg-2%}
                        send "{@P}"
                        send "&7&oSuccess you have given a player coins!"
                        send ""
                        send "&a%arg-2% &7has been given &a%number arg%"
                        send "{@UP}"                   
                        send "{@P}" to arg-2
                        send "&7&oYou have been given coins" to arg-2
                        send "" to arg-2
                        send "&a%player% &7has given you &a%number arg% &7coins" to arg-2
                        send "{@UP}" to arg-2                       
            if player does not have permission "{@Perm}":
                send "&8(&c&l!&8)  &cYou don't have permission to run this command."
        if arg 1 is "view":
            send "{@P}"
            send "&7&oPlease give a &aname!"
            send ""
            send "{@UP}"
            if arg 2 is set:
                send "{@P}"
                send "&7&oHere you can see &a%arg-2% &7coins"
                send ""
                send "&bCoins &3» &f%{coins.%arg-2%}%"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                send "{@P}"
                send "&7&oPlease give an &aIGN &7and a &aNumber!"
                send ""
                send "{@UP}"               
            if arg 2 is set:   
                if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                    send "{@P}"
                    send "&7&oPlease give a &anumber!"
                    send ""
                    send "{@UP}"
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                        remove number arg from {coins.%arg-2%}
                        send "{@P}"
                        send "&7&oSuccess you have removed coins from a player!"
                        send ""
                        send "&a%arg-2% &7has lost &a%number arg%"
                        send "{@UP}"                   
                        send "{@P}" to arg-2
                        send "&7&oCoins have been taken from your account!" to arg-2
                        send "" to arg-2
                        send "&a%player% &7has taken &a%number arg% &7coins. &7Your balance is now &a%{coins.%arg-2%}%" to arg-2
                        send "{@UP}" to arg-2                       
            if player does not have permission "{@Perm}":
                send "&8(&c&l!&8)  &cYou don't have permission to run this command."   
        if arg 1 is "reset":       
            if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                send "{@P}"
                send "&7&oPlease give an &aIGN!"
                send ""
                send "{@UP}"
            if arg 2 is set:   
                if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                    send "{@P}"
                    send "&7&oPlease give a &anumber!"
                    send ""
                    send "{@UP}"               
                if arg 3 is set:
                    if player has permission "{@Perm}":
                        set {coins.%arg-2%} to 0
                        send "{@P}"
                        send "&7&oSuccess you have reset a players coin balance!"
                        send ""
                        send "&a%arg-2% &7has had their coins reset!"
                        send "{@UP}"
                        send "{@P}" to arg-2
                        send "&7&oYour coins balance has been reset!" to arg-2
                        send "" to arg-2
                        send "&a%player% &7has reset your balance!" to arg-2
                        send "{@UP}" to arg-2

        if arg 1 is "transfer":
            set {_mobcoins} to number of sunflower named "MobCoin" in player's inventory
            add {_mobcoins} to {coins.%arg-2%}
            remove {_mobcoins} of sunflower named "MobCoin" from player's inventory
            send "&6You just got &c%{_mobcoins}% Coins!"
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Just saying that the send/broadcast effect support multiple strings & entities, so you can do the following instead of use the send effect multiple times:
send "{@P}", "&7Your balance is:", "" and "&bCoins &3» &f%{coins.%player%}%"
Also, I would use a list variable for save the coins of the player.
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