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May 8, 2017
For some reason if your one class you gain every ability so if you shift you go invis and you are resistant to poison I check in pex and it says I only have dwarf perm any ideas?

on join:
    if {race.%player%} is true:
        set {race.%player%} to false
    wait 1 second
    if {race.%player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
on inventory close:
    wait 1 tick
    if {race.%player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
command /racehuman:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add human"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&bHuman&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &bHumans"
command /racedwarf:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add dwarf"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&cDwarf&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &cDwarves"
command /racemage:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add mage"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&5Mage&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the Mages"
command /racechange:
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou need to choose a race first!"
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            set {race.%player%} to false
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove human"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove dwarf"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove mage"
            kick player
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player has {warrior.%player%} is true:
            loop-player is sprinting
            apply strength to loop-player for 6 seconds
        if loop-player has permission "dwarf":
            loop-player is sneaking
            apply invisibility to loop-player for 6 seconds
        if loop-player has permission "mage":
            loop-player is poisoned
            cure the loop-player from poison
Why dont use variables instead of command and pex?

Ex: {race.%uuid of player%}

It's way easier and this way you don't have to depend on PEX.
Why dont use variables instead of command and pex?

Ex: {race.%uuid of player%}

It's way easier and this way you don't have to depend on PEX.
how would I do that I have tried but it is not working I did something like this
    {human} = 0
    {dwarf} = 0
    {mage} = 0

on join:
    if {race.%player%} is true:
        set {race.%player%} to false
    wait 1 second
    if {race.%player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
on inventory close:
    wait 1 tick
    if {race.%player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
command /racehuman:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add human"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&bHuman&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &bHumans"
command /racedwarf:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add dwarf"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&cDwarf&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &cDwarves"
command /racemage:
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            set {race.%player%} to true
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% add mage"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&5Mage&f&l)"""
            make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the Mages"
command /racechange:
        if {race.%player%} is false:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou need to choose a race first!"
        if {race.%player%} is true:
            set {race.%player%} to false
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove human"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove dwarf"
            make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove mage"
            kick player
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player has {human::%player%}:
            loop-player is sprinting:
                apply strength to loop-player for 2 seconds
        if loop-player has permission "dwarf":
            loop-player is sneaking:
                apply invisibility to loop-player for 2 seconds       
        if loop-player has permission "mage":
            loop-player is poisoned:
                cure the loop-player from poison
Here you go
Everything works for me
on join:
    if {race.%uuid of player%} is true:
        set {race.%uuid of player%} to false
    wait 1 second
    if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
on inventory close:
    wait 1 tick
    if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
        open chest with 1 rows named "Choose Your Character's race..." to player
        format slot 3 of player with gold sword named "&e&lHuman" with lore "&ePassive: While Running they are Granted Strength" to close then run [make player execute command "racehuman"]
        format slot 4 of player with gold shovel named "&c&lDwarf" with lore "&cPassive: While Sneaking they Turn Invisible" to close then run [make player execute command "racedwarf"]
        format slot 5 of player with gold hoe named "&5Mage" with lore "&5Passive: While Poisoned they are cleared of it" to close then run [make player execute command "racemage"]
command /racehuman:
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
            set {race.%uuid of player%} to true
            set {racec.%uuid of player%} to "human"
            # make console execute command "/pex user %player% add human"
            # make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&bHuman&f&l)"""
            # make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &bHumans"
command /racedwarf:
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
            set {race.%uuid of player%} to true
            set {racec.%uuid of player%} to "dwarf"
            # make console execute command "/pex user %player% add dwarf"
            # make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&cDwarf&f&l)"""
            # make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the &cDwarves"
command /racemage:
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is true:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou have already choosen a race!"
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
            set {race.%uuid of player%} to true
            set {racec.%uuid of player%} to "mage"
         #   make console execute command "/pex user %player% add mage"
         #   make console execute command "/pex user %player% suffix "" &f&l(&5Mage&f&l)"""
         #   make console execute command "/spawn %player%"
            loop 100 times:
                send "" to player
            loop 1 times:
                broadcast "&a&l(!) &a%player% has joined the Mages"
command /racechange:
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is false:
            send "&c&l(!) &cYou need to choose a race first!"
        if {race.%uuid of player%} is true:
            set {race.%uuid of player%} to false
            delete {racec.%uuid of player%}       
            #make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove human"
          #  make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove dwarf"
           # make console execute command "/pex user %player% remove mage"
            kick player
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if "%{racec.%uuid of loop-player%}%" is "human":
            loop-player is sprinting:
                apply strength to loop-player for 2 seconds
        else if "%{racec.%uuid of loop-player%}%" is "dwarf":
            loop-player is sneaking:
                apply invisibility to loop-player for 2 seconds     
        else if "%{racec.%uuid of loop-player%}%" is "mage":
            loop-player is poisoned:
                cure the loop-player from poison
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